Chapter Twenty five ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

                 At present time

Sasha popped into his head and he jumped up from his seat.

"I'm sorry Dolly, I'd love to talk to you. I wish we had approached this subject sooner. I have to go." He said as he fidgeted with his zipper on his sweat jacket. "Who knows, maybe one day we can finish this conversation. Right now though is not the time." He walked towards the door and Dolly stood up and opened it.

"Well Drake, I wish you luck on your travels and hope you find what it is your looking for. It was nice to meet you. I really do love your novels."

Drake kissed her on the cheek and before she knew it he was gone.

He continued down this street and though he was excited that he was full and relaxed and clean. It was about time he'd made it to where he needed to be. The only issue is, is it was again close to dark and he would have to find shelter soon. He kind of wished he would have taken Dolly up on her offer to stay the night there. He actually wasn't that far away. He could turn around and go back.

"Nah! I better not do that." He thought.

He should probably just keep walking as far as he could tonight. Then hopefully in the morning he would be a lot closer.

When he got to his final destination for the evening. He would check his map and see where he was. He knew he still had a little ways to go. However, he was hoping it wasn't too far. He still had to figure out how he was going to go about finding this guy. Could he run the risk of himself being identified? Or should he seek out someone else to this job? He supposed he should just wait and see when he got there.

He walked for what seemed like a few hours. It was getting cold and he was getting tired. He figured he had better look for a place to sleep. He'd have to heat his rocks tonight. There's no way he'd be able to sleep tonight with no heat.

He seen a few roads ahead and he was going to have to take one. He decided it would be best to take the one with the factories. It should be a relatively quite street at night. Maybe a few third shifters. However, not really a problem to duck out of the way of those.

Plus, if he could find one with a way up he could sleep on the roof. So far he had avoided this situation. However, it would be okay for one night. He'd like to heat his rocks first if that was possible. No telling what that would be like up there tonight. The wind was blowing a little through the trees. The air was crisp and enough to make his nose run. You could see the water starting to become icicles once again. The larger ones had stopped dripping. They formed tiny puddles of ice below them. Enough to cause an incident if one didn't watch ones step. He was glad he'd taken a few outfits from Dolly. Worse comes to worse he could put them all on.

More layers, more heat.

As long as there was no storms of any kinds. He'd be alright. No wetness, no ground, a few layers of clothes. He would be good until morning. No need to eat either. Those two bowls of stew would last him until morning. Then he'd have breakfast with the containers Dolly sent him away with.

He finally, towards the end of the street, came across a building that looked climbable. He made sure his bag was close to his body. So that he wouldn't drop it.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now