Chapter sixteen ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

      Meanwhile back in the day

Drake walked back to where Sasha and Jullion were sitting on the porch.
He must have looked how he felt. Because Sasha asked if he was alright.

He felt hot, like there was steam pouring off of his head. He was angry and had every right to be.

Jack definitely had a way of getting him out of sorts. That could be due to the fact that they started hanging out since Jack was six and Drake was eight.

Jack knew just what to say to piss him off in a split second. They both knew each other that well. The majority of the time they could finish the other ones sentences and be correct. They seemed to have their own language too.

One usually had to be around them for a significant length of time before they could even follow along with the conversation.

Jullion once told Drake that there had been nights when her and Jack first got together. That she'd sit and have no idea what the whole night was about. Because she didn't understand the lingo.

So it really was no surprise that Drake was angry. Sometimes though they had debate sessions that may seem as if they were arguing. Because all parties would raise their voices. They could get pretty loud when they wanted to. At the end of the night, not one of them would be angry.

So, Drake understood that at times it may be difficult to know what was an argument and what was not to other people in attendance.

There also were moments when they'd have a smoking session. Which never occurred around Jullion as she was adamant about it and was totally against Jack doing anything of the sort.

They would dive deep into the land of philosophical conversations. They could find themselves lost within those moments. Only to resurface usually in effected by the whole conversation. Only to end up in the kitchen making scrambled eggs at three o'clock in the morning.

Drake took his seat once more next to Sasha. A few seconds later Jack walked up onto the porch and took his seat also. Jack looked in better shape than Drake had. That was usually the case as Drake was usually the one to get stressed out over his lies all the time.

Mostly due to the fact that Jack never had to take responsibility for them. They always seemed to fall on Drake's shoulders. That was not fair to make Drake accountable for Jack's actions.

If you pushed just the right button. Jack could get pretty heated himself in certain instances.

They both were stubborn and they both were pretty much set in their own ways. As far as bending to the will of the other. Drake was adamant about commitment and relationships. Jack was willing to bend and twist every rule there was. As long as he could lie his way out of it.

"Everything alright!" Jullion asked.

"Yep!" Was all Jack said.

"I'm cool!" Drake said. He was still hot but he could deal with it as usual.

"How about you guys? Did you guys have a good time?" Drake asked Sasha trying to change the subject.

"Yeah! We did have a good time. Jullion let me, or showed me a new way to put my nail polish on I should say." She said, as she held up her hand to show him her bright red newly polished nails. That now matches the lipstick that wasn't there when he left.

Drake said, "They look great. Your lipstick does too. I dig that a lot." Drake said.

"You dig that?" Jack said with a laugh. "Is that like groovy dude?"

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now