Chapter fifteen ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

               At present time

When Drake woke up he found himself staring right into a little boys face.

Neither one of them said a word. Drake sat up slowly and he seemed to be more apprehensive than the boy did. After a few seconds the kid walked over and sat down on the little stool that was close to the tiny table.

"Who are you?" The boy asked. Fiddling with the toy plane he carried in his hands.

Drake thought about that for a second. That was actually a loaded question right now. He hated to lie to a little kid. Yet, he couldn't afford to tell him the truth.

"What if I do give my name and the kid tells his parents that he met some Drake dude in the woods? How many guys have the name Drake? What if they seen him on the news they would sure connect the two. A guy named Drake in the woods? Would seem like a huge coincidence wouldn't it?"

After a few seconds he said, "My name is Frank."

He couldn't think of anything else to say. Not to mention that this Frank dude was the whole reason he was out here in the first place.

Drake sat up and grabbed an apple juice that was on the shelf. Settled back down where he slept the night before. 

The little boy who was probably around eleven or so. Kind of reminded him of himself when he was younger.

The boy said, "You don't mind do you?" As he reached into his pocket and lit a cigarette.

"My name is Timmy." He said extending his hand to shake Drakes.

"You smoke?" Timmy asked as he offered Drake one.

"Yes! Thanks!" He said. "However, I don't think you should be." It had been weeks since he had one. He didn't light it. He just stuck it in his pocket for later. Maybe this is his chance to quit.

"Sorry about crashing at your tree house." Drake said. "Oh! And taking your apple juice." He said holding up the small cardboard box shaped container.

He thought about coming up with some lame story but decided to just leave it at that.

"It's okay, the place, it's not mine. It's my friend Mike's. He's out of state visiting his dad though. He don't care if I come hang out here." Timmy said.

Well, that was a relief to Drake. Still though Timmy did know the kid. However, being that Mike was out of state they wouldn't know until Mike got home. So even if Timmy did tell him, Drake would be long gone by then. Drake breathed a sigh of relief, for the moment anyways.

"That's cool! "That he lets you use the place." Drake said. He wanted some coffee so bad. However, he settled for that damn apple juice that was in the tiny fridge. He checked the faucet to see if it worked. It had, so he used the supplies he'd gotten from the shelter to clean up with. He brushed his teeth anyways. He would have washed his hair, however, he had nothing to dry it with. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to go traipsing around in this weather with wet hair.

"You from around here?" Timmy asked.

"Just passing through." Drake said. "How about you? You far from here?" He asked with a grin. Knowing he had to of been from right down the street.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now