Chapter fifty five©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter fifty five

At present time

A little time had passed and one day Sasha was standing at the kitchen window. Taking in her view and watching Drake work on his novel. Just as she let the curtain fall back into place the phone rang.

"Oh my God! Hi!" Sasha smiled as she opened the frig for a cold pop. She grabbed a bottle of water too and headed outside.

When Drake saw her he lifted his head from his scattered pages.

"Don't worry babe!" She said, when she saw the expression on his face. "The bottle of dirt is mine." Referring to her water.

"Sure honey! That would be great. We'd love too." She said into the phone. "Okay! Five thirty tomorrow night." She said.

Drake looked at her. "Who you talking to." He mouthed so not to interrupt the conversation.

She held up her finger to indicate that she needed him to wait. The person on the other end must have been talking.

"Okay honey! See you then. Bye!" And she hung up.

"You gonna tell me now?" Drake asked.

"It was Trista. She wants to meet up for dinner tomorrow night at Angeloes."

"Wow!" He said, "That's a nice surprise."

Drake and Sasha sat around and talked about his new book. Then the up coming dinner. The evening passed just like normal. Before they knew it it was time to go head off to the restaurant the next day.

"I think I'm a bit nervous." Drake said.

"Oh why honey?" Sasha asked.

"I don't know. Maybe because she's been so busy with that asshole ex husband of hers that we haven't seen each other. So I don't know what she thinks, feels or anything else."

"Yeah! I know, but she sounded great. She didn't sound as if anything was wrong or anything. I think it's a well deserved and needed gesture for her to ask." Sasha said.

"Oh I agree with that. It's just gonna be weird at first. I don't know why. It just feels weird."

Drake pulled up in front of the restaurant and dropped Sasha off at the door. Then proceeded to go park the car. Sasha waited at the front of the door as the doorman opened it. She explained to him that she was waiting for her husband. It been awhile but he still smiled at the sound of that.

Once Drake reached where Sasha was standing. He placed his hand on her lower back and directed her inside. He tipped the door man and then the hostess showed them to their table.

Trista was already at the table awaiting their arrival.

She stood up when she saw them coming. Sasha hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Drake did the same.

"You look beautiful." Sasha exclaimed.

"Thank you! You do too." Trista retorted.

"You really do look great." Drake said.

"You too." She said. "You seem to have recovered nicely.

"Yeah!" Almost all the way."

They all took their seats and ordered there drinks.

"Yeah know Drake, I really want to apologize on the behalf of my ex asshole. How are you anyways. I know none of this is easy for you. It's not for any of us. However, he was one of your best friends. I don't know how he could do something like this." She said fighting back the tears.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now