Chapter Thirty four ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter Thirty four ©

Meanwhile back in the day

Drake and Sasha walked back outside. The rest of the group still sat around the fire. Everyone smiled when they saw them walk up to their seats.

"Everything okay?" Gray asked?

Sasha looked up from her hands. She was in the middle of lighting a smoke.

"Huh? Oh yeah! I'm fine. Just feel kind of stupid I guess."

"You better get used to that shit. Although there's really no need to. You'll come to find out that with this group there's no need to. You'll find yourself thrown into all kinds of emotional outbursts and arguments. It's just the norm around here. We get mad, blow up. Then move on after the conversation or arguments. That's just how we are."

Sasha smiled because that was a big relief to her. Her family wasn't like that. They were supposed to control their feelings and brush them aside. There never seemed to be a good time to discuss it. She had a feeling that's how Drake was. He was the mediator, except when it came to himself. He kept all of his own feelings reserved. Until he can show them through someone else's experiences. Either by showing them the right roads. Or showing them their stubbornness. Her Uncle Tom really was the only one that seemed to take the time to understand her true feelings. She missed him so much. She hadn't realized just how much until tonight.

"Well that's good to know." Sasha said.

"I take it your family don't discuss much?" Trista asked.

"My dad does a little. I mean he will sit down with me about the important things. Deaths, weddings, graduations. Anything else, breakups or anything of a personal nature he tends to leave them personal. I guess it's my fault as much as it is theirs. I never tried to go to them with an issue. I'm sure if I did they would be there."

They all nodded in understanding.

Sasha couldn't help but smile at Drake. Maybe that's why she liked him so much. He reminded her so much of her uncle. Not so much the physical aspects of it. But the caring, strong minded, stubbornness, hard self image, self disciplined, yet soft natured, surprisingly nurturing, compassionate. She liked that about him. She liked that about both of them. You'd never know any of that if you didn't take the time to.

From where she stood when she first arrived. All she saw through everyone else's eyes and still see's. Is the badass, intimating, fearful, stubborn, strong minded, control freak that's what everyone else see's.

"So, what to do now?" Jack asked.

"I'm glad you mentioned that. Sasha would like to try the ouija board again."
Drake said.

"Seriously?" Gray asked.

Gray and Trista were gone when the whole thing started. They don't know what her uncle's name was. Jack tried to tell them and according to Jullion nobody remembers.

"Yeah, I do want to try it again. Jack or Jullion? Did either one of you tell Gray or Trista what happened?" Sasha asked.

"Yes! Why?" Jullion asked.

"Oh! Because I thought since they weren't here they could be the ones to try to contact him. Not that I don't trust the rest of us. It's just maybe it would be easier for me to believe if I knew they didn't know his name."

"They don't know his name. We told them the story but we couldn't remember his name. We don't even know who it was." Jullion said.

"Good, I'm not going to tell you either. Right now anyways." She added as an afterthought.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now