Chapter twenty one ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

              At present time

Drake woke up around nine thirty the next morning. He was actually sweating it was so warm in there. Which to him was a welcome difference. He was tired of waking up sore and cold. He was tired mentally, emotionally and physically. He knew himself though. He hadn't even begun to even skim the surface of his emotional situation. Right now he couldn't afford to even think about it. He wasn't one to dive headfirst or feet first into those waters. However, when the time was right. He would and he would have no choice. However, until then they weren't even being tread lightly. Not if he wanted to finish his search.

He just wished he knew what was going on back at home. Was he still wanted? Have they found anything indicating the real person who did it? Was the body on the floor his wife's? Now that he thought about it who called the cops? He was in the shower. Did the alarm go off and he just hadn't heard it?

Unless she screamed. If she screamed someone might have heard her. He wouldn't have considering the changing room is soundproof. He physically shook these thoughts out of his head.

It was time for him to get walking. He made sure he had everything he came with. He put the fire out. Made sure there was nothing else around that could relight the flame. Shut the door behind him and walked down the street.

He walked past a house that must have been used as a small business too. Because there were signs hanging up all over the place. There was one that read, "Home sweet home." Burned into a piece of wood. That had been hand painted white with red roses. One could tell it had been shellacked. There was other ones too. He decided he was here, he my as well look.

The owner or whom Drake assumed to be the owner came out when she saw him standing there.

"Anything I can help you with?" The lady asked.

She was probably around middle aged. Tan even though it wasn't summer. Blonde hair and green eyes. Her glasses hung halfway down her nose and she looked out over the top of them at him.

"Just looking." He said. He made a funny face then saw the one that read.

"A persons home lies within their soulmates heart."

He reached up and pushed it aside as if it may bite him.

"Commitment issues?" She asked.

He turned around to look at her.

"Excuse me?" He said as nicely as he could muster.

"Oh don't mind me." She said, as she waved him off with her hand. "It's just I saw the look on your face when you read it."

"Oh!" He said, laughing. "Actually no, not at all. Quite the contrary. I guess I just wasn't ready to see that."

"Yeah! I wrote it myself." She said.

"Oh! It's nice! It really is." He said when he saw that skeptical look on her face.

She reached up and pushed one of the strings from a newly fresh painted sign up on the nail with her hook.

"Well I appreciate you saying that." She said. "You know I really wasn't trying to say anything. It's not like you'd be a bad person if you did have intimacy issues. A lot of us do." She said with a tiny smile.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now