Chapter nineteen ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

                At present time

Drake walked a little further down the street and seen a red brick little building. Covered in moss and looked like it had been there for years. There was another building not three feet away from this one. The door to this one was wooden. The handle was made of brass. There was no windows.

So far this road that he had been on didn't look to be that populated with traffic. It was still during the day right now. So that was a good sign that later it wouldn't be either.

He decided he would try the handle to the door. He slowly turned the handle as the door creaked open. You could tell it too hadn't been oiled in awhile. He couldn't see as there was no window. So he lit his lighter and hoped he wasn't about to startle anyone or anything. Being that there was no light. He didn't really think there was a person in there. However, one never knew what might be lurking in the dark.

It was getting close to dark and he was tired. He was hoping he could just stay here for the night. He could set a tiny fire by the door and use that for heat.

Or he could heat his rocks and use them to sleep with. He'd slept on the ground all but one night so far. That really wouldn't be an issue.

He extended further into the building and saw nothing. Four walls, a roof with what looked like may have at one time been used as a fire pit. Above was indeed a chimney. When he got to the back of the building he could see a built in table. That was all that was in the building.

His heart felt like it leaped from his chest. It wasn't much but he could use it. He put his stuff on the floor and decided he'd walk around the surrounding areas. Maybe he could find some houses. If he did he could see who they belonged to. Either ask them if he could use one of the buildings for the night or something. He would figure that out when he needed to.

He walked around the place for a good hour. Didn't see any signs of houses. Just buildings, the old junk yard and rusty old vehicles. He didn't see any harm with staying there for the night.

He walked back to the building and saw a few old cars back further on the lot. One was an old 1970 Dodge Charger. It was candy Apple red. Would have been a nice car if the owner would have restored it.

The other one was an older Chevy Nova. He decided he'd walk back to them. As he did he looked around the ground for anything he could use. He didn't see much just old car parts. A few nuts and bolts. However, laying in the trunk of the Nova was a set of old rusty broke down tools. He couldn't believe his luck on this trip. So far he had been blessed so many times with crazy off the wall stuff. It made him feel a little better.

He walked over and grabbed the tools and walked over to the Nova. He loosened all the bolts and dragged the seat out onto the ground. He drug it over into the building and that's where he would sleep. That would probably be the best sleep he'd had except that night in the shelter.

After his bed was set up and in the best place he'd laid his blanket down. When it was time to sleep he'd push the edge of the seat against the door so no one could get in.

However, for right now he needed to get something to use in the fire pit. That would give him heat and light. He'd been fortunate enough to find a magazine in one of the cars. If he couldn't sleep he could read.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now