Chapter seventeen ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

                   At present time

Back in Painlane there has been an update at the station. An officer who had not gotten the bulletin on Drake Davenport. Reported that he might have been seen near Oshkosh Ohio. The officer admitted he hadn't heard the news until he'd gotten back to the station.

Their out looking for him now. He was on foot the last the officer had known. At least he was when he had seen him. He didn't seem harmful or hostile in nature. So they were hoping if found, it wouldn't be that hard to talk him into coming back to the station.

They had also located a Grayson Stiles. Residing at 2968 Hutson rd. He seemed very concerned and upset that his buddy was missing. He told the police officer he didn't believe that Drake had done this. "That's just not Drake." He'd said. "He could or would never do this."

They'd question him about Mr Stiles whereabouts that evening. His alibi had checked out. He'd been at a race track all evening. He was trying to place so he'd be in the upcoming race in a few weeks.

He wasn't technically a suspect. However, at this point everyone really was.

They haven't had a lead or a break in this case since they've gotten it. They had asked to speak to his wife Trista. Gray explained to him that Trista had been out of town visiting her parents. The airport confirmed the flight.

They had also contacted a Jack Jenkens. Who resides at 6475 Bellview lane. He still has yet to return their call. The police officer who was on the scene had left him a message. His wife Jullion told police she had not spoke to him since the night before. Their schedules were conflicted this week. That often happens being that she's a lawyer and in court often.

Drakes parents had not heard from him either. The officers urged them if he happened to contact them don't try anything weird. Just try to urge him to go to the station. He wasn't being arrested if he did go. At this point they just need him for questioning.

They had an I.D. On the victim, however their not releasing that information until they have had a chance to speak to Drake. For now they are at a stand still for this case.

They however, are still waiting on test results from the victim and some fingerprints that had been found within the house. They would research those when the time was here. Until then they would continue looking for Drake.

As Drake was walking he just happened to walk past a junk yard. Before he got to far past it he decided to go look around.

He opened the rusted old rickety gate slowly. As it creaked and cracked and squeaked from years of not oiling the hinges. He walked in leaving the gate partially open.

There were old rusty cars. A few smashed shells of what used to be trucks or cars. Tires and various other parts strewn around the yard. Gas and oil could be smelled heavily in certain areas.

He'd remembered as kids he had loved the smell of gas. Until one night at Jacks house.

Jack, Chaz and himself had decided to go sit in the garage and have a huffing session. They would take a gas can and close the little air hole so you could get some good huffs.

They had an old metal gas can. They would suck so hard the walls of the can would cave in. "Crinkle, crinkle, ting." Was all you heard echo through the garage walls.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now