Chapter forty eight©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy © all rights reserved
Chapter forty eight

Meanwhile back in the day

After the rain slowed down they all went and sat on the porch. Drake ran in the house and grabbed a few towels for everyone to dry off with. He sat down next to Sasha when he came back out.

"So, I was thinking that before we start this marathon of cards tonight. That we should, or you should talk to your dad. You know, I know it sounds funny and I'm not even sure I believe it. But about what your uncle said." As Drake said this he watched the twos face expressions that was running the game.

Neither one seemed to show any signs of deceit. He didn't remember ever leaving them all alone either. So it's not like they calibrated together or anything. Except for a little bit. But that was before this happened.

"We should." Sasha said. Looking up into his face. "Won't it sound strange though? I mean what if he gets upset I was playing with that thing?"

"We already said that you're not going to tell him that. You're going to just tell him that you had a bad night last night. And we all sat around telling stories about people we've lost. Because it sometimes helps us to feel better and understand each other better. And you remembered a conversation you and him had." Jack offered. "Don't you think that would work?"

"Yeah! That does seem believable." Jullion said. "I mean we would have those conversations. So you probably should use that. It's better than telling him we played with a ouija board."

Sasha stood up and bent over and ran her fingers through her hair. Drake leaned forward and grabbed his comb out of his back pocket and handed it to her.

He couldn't help but watch her do it. She was beautiful to him. Inside and out and there wasn't very many people he could say that about. He knew just by certain things. That she was different from the rest. Not that he didn't like his friends. Of course he did at times. And at other times he hated some of their ways. But all in all they were his friends and he loved them all in their own quirky kind of way.

Sasha was different though. She was real to him. She felt more like home. More like something he connected to. She felt bad for him when he was sick and showed him. She didn't rub it in when he was losing. She didn't make him feel like an enemy. She was on his side and she wasn't out to get him. The rest always had that watch your back kind of feeling to them. Like he knew when they were lying to get what they wanted. He knew when they were just out for themselves. He knew when they were swindling someone out of something.

Except Trista, even though he knew her competitive side and her sometimes conceited side. That never came out with him. It always was between Jack and herself. With Drake it was more of a team effort. Drake was always the one in the middle pulling for both of them. He didn't really get caught up in the competition part of it. Although Jack competed with him. Drake didn't complete back.

To Drake it was like beating a three year old out of checkers. You know your worth, why even bother? Not just that, but in this life you are who you are. And the only way you're ever going to get better is to be the best you can be. So beating someone else proves nothing. Beating yourself is when you know you've accomplished something. There will always be someone worse and better than you. It's just a fact. Even at your absolute best there will always be someone you can't beat. And even at your worst you will always beat someone. The real victory is being better than you yourself were yesterday. That's a personal struggle not someone else's.

Drake just didn't have that in him to strive to be better than the ones around him. He supported the ones around him. He wanted the ones around him to succeed, conquer their fears and be happy. That's just how his nature was. There was no jealousy lurking in his bones. If he was going to do something fun or exciting. He didn't rub it in their faces. He wanted to include them. If he loved someone. Once he had his foundation he wanted them to know them too. Sometimes this took time. But in the end he tried to bring them all together. He didn't have the tolerance for baby games. He lived this life once. He didn't want to waste it on stupid ass games. It's hard enough to feel comfortable with people. When he did he didn't want or feel the need to ruin that with bullshit games.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now