Chapter forty nine©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy © all rights reserved
Chapter forty nine

At present time

Meanwhile the cops back home are trying to tie up some loose ends. They've found no unusual fingerprints on his wife's keys. Her car has been located at a dump site. All fingerprints have been wiped clean. There was a few dark hairs. Which showed no signs of decomposing. Which means the subject was still alive. Turns out they belonged to Drakes wife. Nothing unusual except the cars location was found. Whoever dumped it here didn't have the keys. So they used a butter knife to start it.

Gray Stiles had already informed them that they rigged it awhile ago when they couldn't find the spare set. They had lost the original set and had to have the dealership make a new set. The keys had gone missing after one of their house parties.

As far as the dead man's finger print goes. It's been matched to a shotgun Eddy. They called him that because of his illegal involvement with stolen guns. One night on one of their runs. They got chased by the cops and he took a bullet between the eyes.

He was connected to the victim that was found on the floor of the home.
Who's name has yet to be released. However, they do know that the victim also knew the coroner of the hospital also. So if whoever did this was close enough to have the same connections. That would be the answer as shotgun Eddy was cremated.

One of the deputies at the station just called the detective. Drake Davenport had been seen near Oshkosh a few days ago. They asked the man on the phone why he didn't call sooner. He told the deputy he wasn't sure it was him. But that his neighbor lady insisted that he had better call. He's on his way to the station now to make a positive identification.

Trista Stiles has returned home safely and is devastated by this situation. She had been away and has returned to the news.

Jack Jenkens has still not been located. He had called or someone claiming to be him had called the station. However, no one has yet to see him.

The gag was back in Drakes mouth and his head was throbbing again. He tried to make a noise and it only came out as a muffled growl.

"Oh! Awake again?" The man must of been sitting close. He could smell the booze on his breathe. Mixed with his cheap cologne. It was a stomach turning smell.

Drake could still taste the coppery taste of blood on his tongue. Which didn't do much for his stomach either. The room was spinning even though it was dark and he couldn't see it.

It took everything he had not to vomit on his own chest. Drake grunted again and the man reached up and pulled the gag from his mouth.

"Are you getting the picture yet? Or do you need another clue?" Drake knew he had lit a cigar. He could smell the sweetness float through the air.

"Nothing seems unusual to me. I don't know what the fuck you want me to see. I told you this shit before. Now I have to piss. Could you let me up." Drake said through gritted teeth.

The man unlatched a hook on the bed and he swung forward with the board. Another push and he was facing the floor. There was a bucket beneath him. The man unlatched Drakes wrist. Warned him if he tried any funny business he'd pump his head full of lead. Pushing the gun into the side of his temple.

Drake did his business then placed his hand out in the open once again to show him he was through.

The man flipped the board back over and relatched the hook. Leaving him once again flat on his back.

"You son of a bitch. Your lucky you didn't let me loose. I'm going to kill you if I ever get my hands on you." Drake said above a whisper.

"Oh! Your such a big man tied to that bed." He said blowing his cigar smoke into his face.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now