Chapter twenty eight ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter twenty eight

Meanwhile back in the day

"Yes! I have done something with your boyfriend." Was all Trista said.

Gray looked as if he wanted to punch both of them. He probably did want to. Jullion for asking the question. Then Trista for the answer.

Drake made a face like his heart had been pierced. It was more for Grays Benefit and pain. As he, himself had already known the answer to the question.

He could never bring himself to tell Trista this. Even if he had ever seen potential for the two of them. That little fact just killed the deal.

In other words. She was a great person. They just didn't connect in that way.

However, he felt that right now. Probably would not be the best time to reveal that information either.

It kind of just slipped his mind. He didn't mean to keep that from Gray. Although at the same time it wasn't his to tell either.

Drake just didn't think about it. Trista was not his girl. So the thought just never surfaced. At least enough to tell Gray about it. As a matter of fact now that he thought about it. Drakes pretty sure they did discuss it once before Gray and Trista became a couple.

Maybe Grays reaction wasn't the fact that he didn't know the answer. But that now they all knew the answer.

Drake sat and thought about that for a second. In Drakes world, he didn't care what anyone else thought as long as he knew and felt the truth. Good or bad he had to deal with it. However, Gray usually didn't either. But who knows how one really feels when your girlfriend is exposed in front of everyone. 

Before anyone else could make a bigger issue out of it then it already was. Drake jumped up out of his seat. Almost knocking Sasha over in the process.

Sasha spilled her pop on her jacket. And what looked like on her shirt.

"Oh shit!" Drake said. Grabbing Sasha's arm to help her to her feet.

"You can go in the house and change if you want to." Trista grabbed Sasha's arm and they both took off towards the house.

"I have an idea. Why don't we quit this stupid game and find something new to do?" He reached into his jeans pocket and counted his money.

"Why don't we walk to the store and grab a few things? We are getting low on pop and chips."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Jullion said.

Now they all knew damn well they had already been to the store twice so far. There were new chip bags and two liters in the house. There was a twelve pack of pop sitting on the porch.

"I'm cool!" Gray said. "Don't worry about it dude."

"Ummm you sure?" Drake said a little disappointed.

"Yeah! I'm sure." Gray said.

Drake walked up to the porch and grabbed his old cigar box. Walked back to the fire and sat down.

"You know what? Seriously! I think we should quit this game and play something else." Drake said.

"What are we going to play? What the hell is in the box?" Jullion asked.

"Damn!" Drake said. The sound of Jullion's voice crushing his idea.

Drake has almost forgotten she was there. She would flip if she knew what was in the box.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now