Chapter eleven ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

      Meanwhile back in the day

Gray reached into his pants pocket and retrieved his smokes. He lit one for himself then he lit one for Drake. He extended his hand to offer Drake the smoke.

"Thanks!" Drake said.

"What are you doing dude?" Gray said. Putting his lighter back into his jeans pocket.

"Just sitting here." Drake said. Looking over in Sasha's direction.

"That's not what I mean and you know it. Your going to lose her and for what? Your pride? Is that really worth it to you?" Gray stood up and threw a few pieces of wood into the fire.

"My what? Are you serious dude?" Drake followed suit. Grabbing a stick and pushing the embers around the new logs.

"You out of all people are saying this to me? You know what I've gone through. You know who I am, and your pulling that card?" Drake said, taking a drag off of his smoke and blowing smoke rings with the exhale.

"See! Just like that. I know this is killing you right now. What do you think she sees if she's watching from across the way?" Gray motioned in the rest of the groups direction.

"She sees you sitting with one of your best dudes. Sitting here blowing smoke rings. That don't really look like a distraught dude now does it?" Gray asked, once again finding his seat.

"You want me to look distraught? Seriously! I have to look a certain way to what? Make her feel wanted? Because I'm not sure I could if I wanted to." Drake said, giving the last log one more shove. Before it too went a blaze.

Drake knew Gray meant well. He had known him for along time. Gray was usually the one to make him see when he was being hardheaded or prideful about. Mostly just for the sake of his ego. Sometimes that did happen. However, this time that was not the issue.

Gray was a little crazy to be around sometimes. He seemed like the laid back mellow guy which most of the time he was. His biggest dream in this life was to be a race car driver. Nothing got his blood pumping like being in a race. His dad taught him how to drive before he moved out of his house a few years ago.

Gray swore and still swears he's going to be on that track professionally someday. Drake didn't doubt that. He'd seen him race and had even ridden shotgun once or twice. The shotgun wasn't Drakes thing. He'd found that out pretty fast. He was more a get out I'm driving kind of dude.

"Dude! Whats the deal for real? You just after her treasure? Is that the problem?" Gray asked, smiling from ear to ear.

Drake shot him a sarcastic look.

"Her treasure? What's that? What's that to you?" I should say, Drake asked.

"Her treasure, her fun box. You know what I'm talking about." Gray said motioning to a certain part of his anatomy.

"Umm you mean her toy box? Because to me her treasure would and should be her heart. And yes, I could dig her heart, but her toy box wasn't exactly my deal." Drake looked him square in his eyes. Almost as if he was begging him to challenge his answer.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now