Chapter fourteen ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

Meanwhile back in the day.

Right before Drake started the conversation Sasha needed and he was dreading, the phone rang.

"Hey dude! What's up?" Drake asked.

"Umm just sitting on the porch."

Drake leaned over and grabbed the ashtray that was sitting on a little green side table. That table seemed to be the designated floater table. It went wherever someone needed it to go.

The porch was just your normal wooden porch. A two seater swing with a mauve cushion and grey frame hung right next to the door.

To the left of that was a staircase that took you into the backyard.

Past the steps on the opposite side was two chairs. Also with mauve cushions. They too sat up against the railing of the porch. There was a brown plastic table that sat in between the two chairs.

Next to the chair was another set of steps that lead into the driveway. If you stood at those steps and looked at the entrance of the house. You'd see the swing, door to house and another set of steps on the right. Which again lead to a little side driveway.

As Drake sat and smoked his cigarette and listened to whoever was on the phone. He couldn't help but to observe how Sasha was observing her surroundings.

When she spotted the source of that little harmony that sang through the breeze, her eyes lit up. Drake couldn't help but to smile.

There were many wind chimes placed throughout the yard. Some even hung from the porch itself.

Drake had to admit to himself that sometimes they were comforting to hear. They often set the mood for some of his writing.

He finished his phone call and sat the phone next to the ashtray on the table.

"Everything alright?" She asked.

"Ummm!" He said. As he pushed himself out of his seat just long enough to hook his foot around the footstool and pull it over to where they sat.

He flung his feet up onto it and placed his hands behind his head.

"Ummm! What?" Sasha asked.

"That was Jack on the phone. Before I could tell him no. He said he was on his way over to talk to me."

"Oh! Well, that's alright." She said. Following his lead. She too threw her feet up onto the footstool.

"Your not mad? I thought we were supposed to talk right now?" He looked over at her and waited for her response.

Sasha reached into her purse and grabbed her lipgloss. She applied it and looked in her lap as she answered his question.

"We are, we will. We have a date tonight don't we?" She applied the gloss. Drake couldn't help but think about what they would taste like. Nice and shiny, plump and full. He shook his head then smiled at her.

"Yes! That we do." He said, looking away in order to distract himself.

When she lifted her head he couldn't help but let out a tiny gasp. She really did take his breathe away. He knew she heard it to.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now