Chapter Forty ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter Forty ©

Meanwhile back in the day

Drake stopped at the counter to fill Sasha's and his coffee cups. Before he made his way to the living room where the rest sat waiting. Gray was shuffling the cards while the rest were engaging in conversation.

He sat his coffee down on the coaster and handed Sasha hers.

"Thanks babe!"

"No problem! Hey! If we play this now, what are we going to do later?" Drake asked taking his position on the couch next to Sasha.

"I don't know, I guess we will worry about that later." Trista said. Who was sitting next to Gray on the loveseat. Jillion was sitting on Drake's favorite chair. However, he had refrained himself from saying anything. She was a guest and she did not visit here often. Had it been anyone else he would have kicked them out of it. Jack was standing up by the chair.

After about five minutes Jack sat down on the arm of the loveseat next to Trista. She jokingly acted like she was going to elbow him in the gut.

"Oh! You going to play like that?" He reached over and untied her shoelace.

"You ass!" She said, reaching over to retie it.

Gray had set the cards on the table and Drake grabbed them before anyone else did. He shuffled them as he threw blue greenish daggers at Jack. He just stared at him. He was still upset about the intrusion a few minutes ago. Nobody had seemed to notice that Gray was looking at Drake. He hadn't said a word. Just watching him, probably making sure he's not going to pull one of his own stunts.

"Whose teams? Are we doing two and two and two? Or three and three?" Jack asked. As he just in time reached out to brace himself on the arm of the chair. Trista pushed him almost off of the arm of the loveseat.

"Go sit next to your woman and leave me alone." She said. Rearranging herself in her seat. With a flip from her hair she turned her back on him. However, not before he managed to untie her shoe once more.

Drake was still staring at him and he shuffled the cards. Jack went and grabbed the pillows from the loveseat and the couch and sat on the floor. He was on the opposite side of the coffee table looking directly at his partner.

"That's probably a good idea." Drake said, setting the cards down for someone to cut them. "Switching seats so our partners are across from us."

Sasha took this as a hint and stood up so that Trista could take her place. As Sasha sat down she looked at Gray and asked him, "You don't mind do you?"

"Who me? Nah! My pleasure." He said gesturing for her to sit down. "By all means." He refocused his stare back onto Drake. Who was still staring at Jack.

"Okay, would you knock it off?" Jack asked. "I can feel your daggers burning into my skull. What do you want me to do? It's over, get over it. Now you know what you do to me all the time."

"It's different." Drake said through gritted teeth.

"Oh! It is?" Jack said.

Drake passed out the cards and waited for Jullion. He wanted to see what she was going to lead with. She threw an ace of hearts and Sasha followed with the four of hearts.

"Yeah dude, it totally is." He watched as Gray threw a three of hearts. Jack followed with a five of hearts. "When I do it, it's justified."

"Oh it is?" Jack said, motioning for Drake to throw his card. Before he did he checked the paper to see how many books they needed. He only needed four so he threw a card away. He had no hearts and threw a two of diamonds.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now