Chapter twelve ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

               At present time

Oshkosh was what Drake determined his whereabouts to be. He wasn't that far away from where his destination was.

He has mixed emotions on those findings. Part of him was excited and part of him was scared. What if he did find this guy? He might beat him to death, then he'd be in the same situation he is right now. However, he was excited because he just might almost be able to put this behind him. Well, this part anyways. He would still have plenty of healing to do after all of this is over. Still he was way more then ready for this next stage in his journey.

He'd asked Charles for a pen and a piece of paper the night he came into the shelter.

Charles did him one better then that. He brought a little booklet with a black case, a pad of paper, a pen and a calendar. He brought it out now. He wrote down everyone's name he came into contact with so far. The ones who have helped him, he planned on paying back someday. He also wrote the ones he planned to or hoped to run into soon.

Plus, he just could never seem to leave his work at home. Yet, a writer never can. They seem to find stories in everything, everyone and every situation they encounter. Sometimes it gets overwhelming, to much information or ideas to process or remember. Without his paper and pens he loses a lot of good material.

He couldn't help but wonder what was happening back home. He'd wondered if they'd talked to Gray, or Trista. Man! He can only imagine what their thinking. They've been having hard times between themselves the last Drake knew. This definitely wouldn't help that situation. He was distant from Jack and Jullion however, they were still friends and talked every once in awhile.

He could hear Jacks mouth now. He just knew he wouldn't be on his side of this thing. Jullion was more apt to be the one to be more realistic. Jack would jump at any and all opportunities there was to throw a dig.

Sasha! Sasha? He couldn't even bring himself to think of her right now. He couldn't go there right now. He had to make it there with a clear head. He had to be able to think straight so he'd know what he had to do.

He heard a siren in the distance and stopped in his tracks. He knew they weren't for him. However, he still had to be sure that he wasn't seen. He stopped and looked around at his surroundings. Because a few feet away from where he was now was the end of the woods he was standing in. He would once again be out in the open. He's never felt so exposed in his life as when he wasn't in the woods. He'd encountered that feeling before. However, usually it was the vulnerability of his feelings. Right now, this feeling was no better then that feeling.

He checked and made sure he still had his food. He had, for a second he thought he might have left it behind. He was glad to discover that he hadn't. He walked the few feet that was left of the woods. He stepped out into the sunlight and looked around for a moment.

The sky was blue as blue could be. A few billowy clouds floated by. Some of the trees were so tall that if he looked in a certain direction. They looked as if they descended right out of those clouds. Looked almost as if you could climb a tree and walk right up into the cloud.

In the other direction there was a row of factories and a few stores and pizza places. A few fast food joints and a little ways down the road. He could see a house on a corner of the street. He took out his compass and checked to see what direction he would need to go in. Where that house was, was perfect.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now