Chapter three ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

Meanwhile back in the day.

Drake was the first one at the tree that afternoon. The place still looked the same. Nobody else seemed to have been there. The usual trees. The one they used to sit on, was still planted into the ground. Although the weather had bent it so bad. It was almost straight out horizontally. Kids would spend their time jumping up and down on it. Most in our group would just sit on it. They'd Bounce on it and carve their names into it. Mostly use it as a place to take a nap on. While waiting for the others to show up . Usually after their last class.

While resting against another trunk of a tree. Drake decided to read the note Sasha wrote to him.

"You can meet me at the game tonight if you want to. I'll be sitting next to Gray's girl."

Sasha must not remember Tristas name. Gray had been going out with Trista for a few months now. She was almost as tall as he was. She has long blonde hair, green eyes and legs that went to the moon. She is actually a very pretty girl. Drake felt that they fit together very nicely. Drake himself never found any deeper interest in her. Other than a good friend. Although neither one had ever explored that situation either.

However, Trista was a nice enough girl. They all got along pretty well. Actually, Trista and Drake had been good friends since kindergarten.

Drake guessed that Sasha must have already made a few friends. What Sasha did not know, was that weather Drake chose to talk to her at the game or not. Drake had no other choice but to be there. He played left forward for the team. It was basketball season and tonight was their opening night against the next town over.

Which just happened to be their biggest rivals. At least when it came to cities. They were the team to beat. Drake's team was the up and coming next ones to beat. They planned on turning that around this season. Hopefully, taking first place. Panthers vs the Badgers. Drake was a panther and planned on stomping on the Badgers this year.

Drake decided he was not going to say anything. He would wait and see how tonight ended up. If it went well he'd keep it between himself and Sasha. He wanted to so bad though. He had never felt anything like that before. He would not even know how to explain it if he had to.

He also wanted Jack to know. That he was to keep his grubby hands off of her. Drake also knew if he brought it up, that would be the first thing Jack tried to do. It would be better just to leave it alone. Wait and see what happens. Jack is bound to hit on her anyways. Even though he has been with Jillion for over a year already.

Jillion was just Jillion. She had brown hair, brown eyes and a nice smile. She stood at average height. Nobody really knew Jullion. Unless you made her talk to you. She focused on Jack, or she did her own thing. She did not really involve herself in on the group's activities. She was nice, most of the time. When she was around. It just was not that often she was around.

Jack preferred it that way too. The farther away from what was going on the better. Because of his extra curricular activities. It would make it tough if she was around. Hitting on someone else's interest would not even register on his not to do list. Drake believed in fighting for people to. But he'd be damned if he'd fight someone else for them. He'd fight that person's fears or restrictions. But never would he allow another to stand in his way. Never would he allow someone else to put false images in their heads. All Drake could hope for, would be that Sasha, had some brains in her head. Hopefully, she was smart enough not fall for his fake charm.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant