Chapter fifty©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy © all rights reserved
Chapter fifty

Meanwhile back in the day

When Ben stood up and turned around from the closest floor he looked amused.

"You're telling me we came all the way here. Fought ourselves through filth and grime and God knows what for this?"

He held up a single coin in a holder.

"Aww man!" Sasha said. Pushing herself away from the wall she was leaning on.

"Seriously?" Her mother followed.

"Wow!" Drake said, "Can I see that sir?"

"Wow?" Ben asked, looking confused. As he held the coin up into the air.

"Absolutely sir, do you know what that's worth?" Drake asked. "It's a solid silver dime sir. What's the date? I'm pretty sure it's a rare coin. If I'm correct it's worth more then 100,000.

"Holy shit!" Ben said handing it to Drake. "Seriously? Or are you playing with me?"

"I'm definitely not playing with you. It's a rare coin for sure. Man! I never expected something like this." Drake Said. He leaned towards Sasha. "I didn't expect anything." He whispered in her ear.

She laughed and so did the other two. Drake didn't really think any of them expected anything. Let alone something like that.

The car ride home was filled with stories of her Uncle Tom. How he was a caring and giving soul. However, was a daredevil and loved to play practical jokes on Sasha's dad.

Her dad drove them back to Drakes house. Sasha told them what the plans were for the night. They seemed to be okay with it. They bid everyone a goodnight and Ben promised Drake to let him know what he found out about the coin. Drake already knew but he would still enjoy the news. Things change all the time in that field. One never knew what would happen.

Once they got back to the house. Sasha asked Drake if it was okay if she took a shower. She claimed she felt gross from the house. But something told him it was more then that. She seemed to enjoy her uncles stories. She laughed and joked along with everyone else. However, she seemed to still have that sadness lingering in her eyes. Maybe she needed this moment alone.

"Sure babe go ahead." He said,

She smiled and Jack said, "Babe?"

"What?" Drake asked, giving him a sideways glance.

"Nothing!" Jack said, smiling like he wanted to make a big deal out of it.

To Drake, just pointing that out put his nerve endings on fire. But he did his best not to show that.

Drake called Trista over to where they were standing in the kitchen. She walked over to them and leaned up against the counter. Drake bent down from his seat on the counter and whispered in her ear.

"You wanna go for a walk?" He asked.

"Why you wanna smoke some?" She asked with that devilish voice she used sometimes. She leaned her head back as far as she could so that she could hear him.

"If you want to I suppose. It's just Sasha will be busy and you said you wanted to talk to me before. Well, here's your chance." He said jumping off of the counter.

"Alright! Let me grab my coat." She walked over to the coat rack at the end of the hallway and grabbed his and hers.

She handed him his leather and he thanked her. He grabbed her coat and she turned around as he slipped her sleeves over her arms.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now