Chapter forty six©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy © all rights reserved
Chapter forty six

Meanwhile back in the day

He sat in front of the tree and lit a smoke. Used his lighter to light a small in ground fire. It was pretty cool outside. He was hoping the smoke wouldn't be detected in the house. He didn't want to wake anyone up.

He took out his pocket knife and started to carve into the tree. He sat there for a good hour before he had to use the restroom. He thought about just going into the woods. But he was done with his carving and wanted to wash his hands.

He walked up on the porch as quietly as possible. Walked through the dining room, down the hall and into the bathroom. When he was done he walked back to the door. From where he stood everyone was still sleeping. Except Sasha, the chair was empty.

He walked back to his room. She wasn't in there. She wasn't in the bathroom. He just left there. He decided to try outside. When he got to the door he saw a note.

"Follow the raise and you shall see.
You'll eventually run into your favorite tree.
If you round the corner and follow the sun.
You'll see a treasure for just the right one."

He took the poem off of the door. Smiling as he folded it and stuck it in his pocket. He quietly shut the door. To be sure not to wake anyone.

He walked to the edge of the woods and looked up at the sky. He didn't need the direction. He already knew how to get to his favorite tree. He just stood there looking up into the clouds. The sky was blue but getting darker. It was going to storm soon. He could feel it.

He walked to the path that would take him there. He saw her sitting up against the tree. And when he knew that she heard him coming he quickly looked in the other direction.

From the corner of his eye he could see her move to the side of the tree. She definitely saw him. She was either planning on scaring him or something.

What she didn't know was he had already saw her. But he was going to play it her way. He kept walking acting like he was searching for something.

When he reached where she was. Instead of stopping or giving any indication that he knew she was there. He simply stepped over her leg. She wasn't trying to scare him. She was trying to trip him.

When her attempt had failed she quickly reached her hand out and grabbed his leg.

He fell forwards and to the right. She had to move out of his way. Or part of him would have landed on her.

He jumped up with fists in the air.

"What the fuck?" He yelled.

She laughed.

She still wasn't visible to him. So even though he knew it was her. He wasn't letting her know that.

"Come on." He yelled. "Bring your ass out here. So I can kick the shit out of it"

She decided that it he had probably had enough. She stepped out from behind the tree.

She was laughing and he did his best not to smile.

"Oh! It's just you?" He said, walking up to her and encircling her in his arms. After a few seconds he backed up.

"Wait a minute. You tripped me?" He asked.

"Yeah!" She laughed again. "You were about to walk past me."

"Okay! Well, I guess I could let it go this time I suppose. But your poem said that there was a treasure out here. I don't see it."

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now