Chapter five ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
At present time
It was morning and it was time for Drake to get moving. He checked his traps and found he'd caught a few squirrels. He cleaned them and pack them in snow and carry them in his bag. He didn't have time to cook them now. He had already made his breakfast and it was better than nothing. He'd packed his smoked meat. He could eat that as he was walking. He made sure his thermos and that can of soup was packed with icicles and snow. At least he would have drinking water as he walked.

Today Drake was going to try to see if he could see where he was. He knew he had a long way to go. However, he wasn't giving up. He had to find a way to find this man. He wasn't going to let this happen. He needed justice and he was going to get it.

As he was walking it started to snow lightly.

"Great just what I needed." He thought aloud sarcastically. He just continued to walk forward. He got to a part where he seen a clearing in the woods before they began again on the other side. He decided this was probably the best time to see his whereabouts. He had to be-careful not to be seen.

He was somewhere in Arial. He'd have to find a new way of transportation soon. He was running out of woods. He decided to spend one last night in these woods. Then he'd push his luck on the streets.

He decided to use what little water he had right now to wash with. The snow had turned to rain and he decided to make a shelter. He used one of his plastic bags that he'd found on the way, to catch some rain water. It ran down the bag and collected in the old rusty soup can. Hopefully later he'd have enough water to drink and cook with. He planned on doing the same thing with the thermos once it too was empty.

The lightning flashed and he swore he saw Sasha's face within the flicker of the light. Her memory was playing havoc on his tender emotions right  now. The same way it did back then. It's like every waking second he could find her dancing on his brain. The second he woke up. The moment right before he fell asleep. All day long he could find a scenario or scene she fit into. It was nerve racking, as well as wonderful. It was heartbreaking as well as soothing. Emotions to him were like poison in his vain's. This is why, this is the reason. With or without her was torture when it came to his emotions. When he wasn't with her he dreamed of what she felt like wrapped within his embrace. When she was with him he was scared to love her. Scared she'd slip away or be taken from him. He couldn't help but to fall back into those earlier scenes.

      Meanwhile back in the day
Drake and Sasha had one last conversation that first day they spent together. Gray and Trista had disappeared into the woods. Their arrival still hasn't occurred. They did check on them, so it really wasn't a big concern. They were safe and sound and sleeping. Sasha and Drake had missed the sleeping experience. However, they learned at least a little bit about each other.

Drake laid down on the car seat and asked her if she'd like to join him. She did, and he was pleasantly surprised by her answer. The first offer went unanswered. She was either really tired or reconsidered somewhere throughout the night. The sun was rising, however, it was still pretty dark out.

"Does it bother you that Trista left and left you here?" Drake asked. Realizing that him himself may not be so keen to such a scenario if it were him in her place. Just the fact that he would be new and say, it was Gray? Gray would have been the common denominator. What if Sasha and Drake ended up not liking each other? That could have been a bad and bogus situation.

"No! Not at all. Normally I would be upset. Being that I'm new and all. Although I admit it is kind of rude. Trista and I already spoke about it before hand." She said giggling. "If I liked you, it was okay. If I didn't offer to go with her to the restroom, as most girls do. She knew it was okay. That meant I was okay with being alone with you."

He reached across her and grabbed a cigarette that was resting within the ashtray groove. Ohhhh!" He said. "So I was being tested here?" He hit it a few times, made sure the smoke blew away from her. Then reached over again to crush it out.

"Well, I guess a little bit." She said.

"So I passed I'm guessing? Because I usually hate tests and don't even try if I know I'm being tested. You're lucky I didn't know this tid bit of information. Because you would have been in for a crazy night. I would have made you think I was bonkers. Just to pay you back for testing me." Drake said laughing. "I just hate them. If you like me, you like me. But I don't like to feel that if I would have turned this way instead of that way. It could have made all the difference. Like every little move I make means something or I'm being critiqued at all times. Because in those kinds of sceneries. One feels like one can't be themselves. Their constantly feeling like their having to be on their best behavior. And well, I just like to be me. I'm human, I'm not going to be perfect. However, I don't want someone who is going to walk away the second I laugh to loud. Or didn't say exactly what they want to hear at the right moment once. That's too much pressure all the time. I just want to be me and be accepted for that. Know I'm going to screw up every once in awhile. But know my intentions are always good. Know I don't purposely lead you down a dead end street. Or into a world of chaos. Chances are if you're scared wherever I'm leading you. I am too. However, I feel we can handle it or we'll be okay. I'm the first one to tell someone. No! You're not doing that. So if I don't say no or I'm not cautious. It's because I know it's going to be okay."

"Wow! I don't even know what to say to that. I like what you said. I do get what you mean about being tested. However, it wasn't that serious. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't going to be awkward silence all night." She said.

"Oh! Nope! We have none of that." Drake reached into the cooler and grabbed a pop. "Once you're around for a little bit. You'll understand why I don't need those tests. I've always been the most self disciplined person I know. I honestly don't need someone else to give me more guidelines. However, I do understand concern. I take that as it comes. However, outright craziness we would have a discussion over that situation."

"So you're probably more open than I expected you to be right now." She said. She pulled her blanket up closer to her chin and leaned back into the cushion of the car seat.

"Are you kidding me? This is not open. These are not my emotions. This is just everyday situations that I deal with. Open?" He leaned his head back and laughed. As a cloud of smoke floated out of his nostrils.

"I like the way you laugh." She said, smiling.

"I like the way you do everything." He said, as he yawned and brushed his eyes with the back of his hand. They both laid there in silence for the first time since they've been alone. Within minutes they both were sleeping.

Thanks! For reading. Continue on to next chapter. Please feel free to comment or rate. Any questions email and feel free to add me to your list.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now