Chapter twenty nine ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter twenty nine

At present time

Sometime, Drake didn't know when. But he fell back to sleep. His alarm went off and he must have jumped a mile into the air. He had to get going. He wanted to be down on the ground. Away from this factory before the workers were released and the first shift got there.

He was really getting close to where he needed to be. He was excited and scared all at the same time. He still won't allow himself to think that that very well could have been his wife. Murdered there on his living room floor. That's just too much for him right now to think about.

Meanwhile back in Panelane. The investigation has came to a crawl. Drake was still nowhere to be found. They had a few more questions for Gray also, however he seemed to be M.I.A. right now to.

The detective didn't feel at the time it was necessary to have a tail on him. Now he's requesting his initial decision.

The fingerprints have came back. The ones that it shows are not surprising due to their mostly Drakes, his wife's, Trista's, Gray's, Jack's, and Jullion's.

These were the people's names that were mentioned the most. So it's not surprising to the officers. There was a few from various family members throughout the house. Nothing really that unusual. The lab is rechecking one set of fingerprints. It came back as a person who has been deceased for a number of years now.

Still, even though none of these people are considered suspects, except Drake himself. Which he is questionable to. They still need to be spoken to. That's what the officers have been focusing on. With the exception of the patrol cars watching for Drake on the streets. No one has any idea where or what direction he would be headed in.

There's been one sighting of him but that was awhile back. There's been nothing since then. Jack Jenken's and Trista Stiles are still unspoken for. Considering they can't find Gray Stiles. They don't know any more details about his wife's return.

As far as Jack Jenken's goes. His wife had been tied up at the hospital and refuses to answer any more questions. One of Jullion Stiles clients have been badly injured. Yet, there's information she needs from him so she's been doing it through his wife at the hospital.

The fingerprints on the set of keys found on the floor behind the door. Has been identified as Drake's wife's. However, her car was missing and they still have not been able to locate it. The other set of prints matched a Drake Davenport which was an expected print. Due to the fact that they are married and live in the same house.

No one has heard from Drake and they are still sending out messages over the news. Just incase he may happen to see them. He needs to come into the station as soon as possible.

The victims family members have been notified and are eager to also get Drakes answers. The public has not been notified of the identity of the victim yet. There's to many questions that need to be answered.

Drake collected his things and made his way back to the ground. On his way to the end of the road, he saw a little park on the corner. He decided that would be the best place to heat up his stew. He walked over to the first grill he saw. Gathered a few sticks and dead leaves. Luckily even though last night had been cold it wasn't cold enough to freeze anything.

He made a small fire under the grill. He used his old coffee can to heat the stew with. This wasn't a bad idea. Once the stew was heated he could eat and walk at the same time. No need for any utensils either. He could just drink it out of the can. He had found another better can as he was walking. So he could even toss this one when he was through with it.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now