Chapter twenty seven ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter twenty seven

At present time

Drake woke up a little
discombobulated. Something had made a loud noise and startled him awake. He sat up, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. It was still dark out, that was a plus. He looked over the side of the building. Making sure not to make any noises. Just incase there was someone out there.

He seen a man sitting on a milk crate. He couldn't really see him except he knew he had brown hair. A black jacket and blue jeans. The way he was sitting he couldn't see his shoes.

The man must be on his break. The man lit a cigarette, Drake would know that smell from a thousand miles away. His mouth watered with the thought of taking a pull off of one.

If he closed his eyes he could almost taste it. The harshness of the tobacco burning the back of his throat. It was a slow burning process. It was a good kind of burn. Kind of like the burn one feels when their dying of thirst.
Then finally get that cold carbonated beverage. It seems to hurt so good. He shook his head to shake off his craving.

As a matter of fact Drake had a cigarette, he could smoke it now. Who knows the next time he'd have one after the pack Dolly gave him was gone. He'd have to go through that whole withdrawal again. He really wasn't up for that right now.

He sat and watched as the man crushed out his cigarette on the side of the brick wall. He sat for a few more seconds then lit another one.

Drake thought he was a chain smoker. This guy takes the cake. Although he remembered before he got his business off the ground. He'd worked in a factory. They only have a certain amount of time to smoke, or eat, or whatever it is they chose to do on their breaks. He caught himself in that situation many of times.

Speaking of his business. He was hoping the employees were keeping it running. He'd have to wait and see about that. If they had done him a justice. He'd have to be sure to compensate them for doing so. If they had done him an injustice. He sat and thought about that for a second.

He couldn't really blame them. Now could he? As of right now all they know is what they hear. Well, let's face it, society is not exactly on the righteous side of justice. The more drama and deviation that occurs the more satisfied they seem to be. He'd have to wait to see how this has affected his surroundings.

He liked to believe that he knew his employees. And that they knew him well enough to know he didn't do this. They had been not only around the business. However, his wife would have them over for dinner quite often. For raises, promotions and sometimes just company.

That could very well be the issue. If that was indeed his wife. They would be so hurt that they might not know what to think. He very well could be being held accountable. Which is another reason why this is so important. He had to find the individual responsible for this situation.

Drake leaned over the side of the building once more. The man was gone. All that remained was a Bag of chips. A can of what looked like Pepsi. A few crushed out cigarette butts and a utility knife. Drakes eyes Bulged for a second.

"Am I really seeing that knife."

He could need that knife. He waited for another few minutes to see if the man came back out to get it. Nothing, he seen no one or heard nothing. He walked over to where he climbed up from. As quietly and quickly as he could. He climbed down the side of the building. He waited once more to see if someone came out. He saw nothing and he took that chance.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora