Chapter Thirty five ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter thirty five ©

At present time

Drake snuck into the dark barn. Using just the faintest orangish light from his tiny keychain flashlight. He'd managed to find it rolling around in the bottom of his gym bag.

All he could see was a few empty stalls. Hay was scattered around the floor everywhere. The smell of leather and horses mingled with one another in the air. As he continued to walk he heard a rustling noise. He took his time as he walked slowly down the hallway. Reaching in his bag to grab the only thing he had to protect himself with. It was an old rusty can. But it was sturdy enough to give a good old hefty blow to the head if need be.

He stopped when the noise stopped and he waited for it to start again. After a few minutes it did. He snuck over to the same side that he heard it from. So he could sneak his head around the corner of the stall. As soon as he made it to the other side the wrestling stopped again. He once again hesitated until it started again. Once it did he did just that. He slowly peered around the top corner of the stall. Holding his breathe and ready to take a swing. He exhaled quickly when he saw the tiny little baby horse. He was laying there wiggling trying get free of an old rusty chain that somehow wrapped itself around his hoof.

Drake looked around once more to see if there was anyone else around.

"Where in the world did this baby come from?" He thought aloud barely above a whisper.

He saw nobody and besides the wrestling of the hay he heard nothing else. He reached into his bag and grabbed an old torn shirt he'd found on his journey. He wrapped it around his hand and then grabbed the chain that was attached to the wall. He pulled once and then once more. After the third pull it let loose and sent him flying backwards. He did a backwards summers salt and landed on his heels. He stood up and went over and looked at the tiny little baby. He was jet black so black that he was almost blue. There was a blue tint to his coat. He'd never seen nothing like it in his life. His eyes were as blue as the ocean. He was so young that he hadn't even been fit with shoes yet. He needed a bath and brushed. However, right now there was bigger fish to fry. He needed to get his hoof loose. The chain still was wrapped around his hoof.

Once Drake got close enough to really see him he discovered he had a mark right between his ears on the top of his head. He couldn't see what it was due to the dirt. That was the only place on his body that was a different color.

Drake took his time walking over to him so he didn't spook him. He jerked his head and flapped his tail a few times. He lifted his top lip and showed his teeth. He made absolutely no sound. Drake spoke to him as he moved forward.

"Whoa boy! It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you. You'll be fine as soon as I get this chain off you."

He made his way over to him and sat down next to him. He really was such a tiny little guy. If Drake had to, he could probably pick him up and throw him. He wasn't worried about being hurt. He just didn't want to put the little guy through anymore trama then he's already been in. He'd grown up around horses.

His family members owned them. He used to help clean the stalls. He'd rode a few. He never got that into it that he'd owned one. He'd seen some get stuck on something, spook theirselves and get pretty banged up. Or have an inexperienced rider run one towards a barn. That's one of the worst things you can do. He'd found that out the hard way to. Got bucked off for that one. Drake wasn't the one holding the reigns though.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora