Chapter twenty two ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter twenty two

Meanwhile back in the day

Drake got dressed and walked out into the living room. The whole gang was sitting around watching tv.

Trista was on the love seat with Gray.

The love seat was dark brown and sat along the left side wall. Under the double windows.

On the right side wall was another dark brown couch. That's where Jack and Jullion sat.

The television set was directly in front of Drake, it sat In front of the big picture window. The coffee table was in front of the couch. The chair was directly to the left of where he stood. Which was occupied by Sasha at the moment. That chair just so happened was to be Drakes favorite place to sit.

He stood there for what seemed like forever. Before he decided to walk over and sit next to Sasha.

He sat on the very edge of the chair with his hands on his knees. That's when she did something he didn't know he was ready for. She reached her hand up and rubbed his back.

By her reaction it seemed the most natural thing in the world. She didn't skip a beat, or nothing.

Drake however, sat straight up fast enough that Jack hadn't even seen it happen.

Drake knew he had just made a bad move. He was actually surprised at himself how nice, and natural it felt.

Until...... Until he realized Jack was there. That's when he, without thinking reacted. As he sat scared to turn around to face her. Knowing he was not going to like the expression she carried at this very moment. He was mad at himself.

"Who the fuck is this guy? He's his best friend for Christ sakes. Their not together, their not lovers. Why does he have to keep doing this? Drake knows why he has to do this. It's not about losing each other. It was about competition within Jacks head. Drake didn't compete. Never has with Jack. Jack competes with Drake.

Then he saw that look in Jacks eye. Like he knew something was up. Just didn't know what. He hadn't even seen that gesture. It was just the fact that he sat there.

Before anything could get out of hand or Sasha could get up. Drake asked if anyone had any idea what they were doing tonight.

To Drakes surprise her hand was still on his lower back. She wasn't going to move it.

"That was okay." He thought. "I'm good with that." He could feel the heat pour out of his head. He was so hot right now. However, he didn't say anything. Maybe it was the combination of the shower and the sudden heatwave outside. The weather had changed quite drastically.

It was almost seventy degrees. Drake was sure that wasn't going to remain long. He also knew he was getting sick again. He was going to fight it though. He always had until he couldn't anymore.

"I thought maybe a good old game of truth or dare no holds bar would be cool." Jack said.

"I'm good with that." Gray said.

"Me too!" Both the girls said.

Drake and Sasha hadn't said a word yet. Drake turned around and looked at her. She shrugged her shoulders and he said, "I guess we're cool with that."

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now