Chapter forty three ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy © all rights reserved
Chapter forty three

At present time

Drake rounded the corner as he walked out onto a main street. Feeling exposed he duct behind the nearest building. Once he caught his bearings he looked around at his surroundings.

There were a few brick apartment buildings, which looked like they had seen better days. One was the usual red color. On closer inspection you could see missing bricks. A few old air conditioners hung from some of the windows. Some of those too have seen better days.

Some of the windows had curtains in them. Some showed the blackness of an unoccupied space. A black and white cat sat on one of the balcony railings.

A few feet down there was another apartment building. This time it was painted a tannish color. The paint was worn, faded and chipped. Probably due to the beatings it took during the changes of the seasons.

A few small houses and fast food restaurants sat across the street. There was an old laundromat with an open sign beaming a bright red. Illuminating the two squares of sidewalk in front of the window. 

Next to that was what Drake could only assume was a bar. Being that it had a flashing neon sign. He couldn't make out exactly what it said. Mostly due to the angle it was sitting at.

Across the street was another set of houses and further down there was more apartment buildings.

Sitting on a deck of one of the buildings. Was a woman smoking a cigarette reading a book. Her attire wasn't actually reading material either.

She wore a black lacy see threw robe with black fur lining. A red Negligée underneath.

She wore long gloves that came halfway up her arms. Red lipstick and a cigarette dangling from between her fingers.

As Drake stood and observed. He realized that every so often she would lift her head and look across the street.

That's when he saw the sign. That's his bar she was peering into. One of the delivery men were outside unloading his truck.

Drake smiled to himself as he knew these types of woman. He himself had grown to despise them.

That little scene he just witnessed reminded him of one summer before he married his wife.

He had met this new guy at a bar while Gray, Jack and himself were celebrating a win Gray had at the speedway.

He was a cool guy. His name was Jim Robins. He had a girlfriend with him. Her name was Sheba or something.

Drake remembered smiling at the name when he was introduced. It just sounded weird to him. "Ain't that something one would name their pet?" He remembered thinking.

Some time went by and the guys would every so often go to each other's house to watch a football game or basketball game. Or to play some kind of sports. While the girlfriends cooked dinner and did their whatever it is they do. Then later they'd all sit down to play cards. Either hearts or spades or rummy. Whichever one they felt like playing.

One night before one of the games came on. He was walking through the hallway and Sheba passed him by.

She kind Of reminded him of that lady reading the book. Always dressing trashy but to her she thought it was sexy. It just wasn't at all. Always flirting or rubbing up against one of the guys.

Drake made it a point to stay away from her. Not only because Sasha had already warned him. That if she saw Sheba anywhere near him she was whipping his ass. But because he wasn't in the least bit interested in her to begin with.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now