Chapter thirty one ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter thirty one

Drake could feel it in his bones. He was close, closer than expected. That was probably good, because he was running out of food. Right now he was thirsty. Once he got up to the gas station. He looked around to make sure nobody could see him. He checked his pockets once more and found his twenty dollar bill. There was a couple of teenagers walking down the street. One was carrying a skateboard and one was pushing a bicycle.

They looked like your typical teenagers. One had sandy blonde hair. Almost reached the top of his shoulders. He wore Sunglasses and red and black baseball hat with a black jacket. Blue jeans and red tennis shoes.

The one that was pushing the bicycle looked to be a foot taller. Brown hair, black hat and the same style clothes. He to sported a black jacket.

The bicycle must have a flat tire. At least from where Drake stood that's the way it looked.

Once they got close enough he decided he would ask them to get him a beverage and maybe something to eat.

"Hey guys? You got a second? Could I speak to you?" Drake asked looking around to make sure no one else was witnessing this conversation.

The one with the bike made a face like there was just no way. The other one with the skateboard walked over without an issue.

"What's up?" The kid asked.

"If you go in the store and get me a pop and a pair of shades I'll give you some money." Drake said.

Drake reached his hand out and showed him the twenty dollars.

"What the hell are shades?" The kid asked.

Drake couldn't help but to let out a laugh.

"A pair of sunglasses." Drake said.

"Oh! Okay! Man! What kind you want?" The kid asked.

"Whatever you grab, I'm not picky."

The other kid had already wandered away and was standing at the door of the store.

Drake sighed a sigh of relief. Again so far he's gotten away with no questions. Being a kid he could do that easily anyways. But so far he liked this kid. Although, he really should watch talking to strangers.

Drake stood and waited as the kid walked into the store. After a few minutes he walked back out and walked up to Drake.

"Here dude!" The kid said. I thought I'd get you a sandwich to. You look hungry to me."

Drake smiled and took the bag from the kid's hand.

"Thank you! You can keep the change." Drake said. "I really appreciate it."

Drake could hear the other kid behind him telling him to hurry up. He needed to fix his bike so they could get home.

"It's cool! I have to go, my buddy's tire blew and we have to try to fix it."

"I'll go with you." Drake said, "It's the least I can do."

They both walked over to where the kid had stood. Drake reached his hand out to grab the bike.

"You mind if I look at it?" Drake asked.

"Naw, go ahead." The kid said.

Drake grabbed the bike, rolled it over to the side of the building and called the kid over.

"Hey guy? Come on over here for a second."

Once the kid reached where he stood he reached his hand out to shake Drakes.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now