Chapter seven ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

      Meanwhile back in the day

Drake walked out of his social studies class. Everything seemed normal at the moment. Nothing unusual was going on that Drake was aware of. He walked over to where he usually met Sasha and Gray. He knew Gray was absent but he was expecting to see Sasha. She wasn't there so he leaned up against the wall. He placed his foot on the wall and listened to his headphones as he waited. A few of his basketball buddies walked by and they slapped hands as they past. He'd looked at his watch and it had been ten minutes. He decided to walk down by her classroom. There they were standing by her locker.

He almost turned around until he heard Sasha say.

"I don't know Jack, I don't know what we're doing later. Just let me go, Drakes waiting."

As soon as he heard her say, "let me go." He stopped walking and turned around. He was about to walk away and see later what that whole scene was about. However, he decided to wait for a minute.

He stood there for a few seconds and she said it again. This time he decided to walk down there. He came within a foot of where they were. Sasha saw him and you could literally see the tension leave her body. She didn't say anything and Drake hadn't either. When he saw that Jack had ahold of her arm. Drake calmly reached his hand between them and grabbed Jacks wrist.

He squeezed until Jack let go of Sasha's arm.

"Now, don't touch her again." Drake said.

"I was.... Was just talking to her dude. Get off my ass." Jack said.

"Just talking to her does not consist of holding her wrist that tight. Look, at the mark on her wrist." Drake said.

Before Drake knew what was going on. Jack took his other arm from behind his back and swung as hard as he could. Drake dodged his swing and Jack hit the locker.

Shaking his hand in discomfort. Jack stepped away, Drake dropped Jacks other arm.

"Your lucky you didn't connect with that. Next time asshole, I'm knocking your teeth out, so heed that advice. I gave you one warning and that's all you get. Your lucky you got that one. Usually just a threat makes me irate, and you swung?" He said it like it was a question he couldn't believe. "Your lucky right now your not chewing your teeth. If we hadn't of known each other this long." That's all Drake said.

Jack walked away without speaking a word. Until he got halfway down the hall. He turned around and yelled.
"We'll talk about this shit later. You're going to treat me this way over a piece of tail? We'll talk about this shit later." Turned back around and walked out of sight.

"Yeah, okay dude!" Drake said with a wave of his hand. Once Jack rounded the corner Drake turned to Sasha.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he grabbed her hand to look at her wrist.

"Yeah! I'm alright. I don't think he meant to squeeze so hard. I'm sorry!" She said, looking up into his eyes.

He let her hand fall slowly down to her side again.

"Well, I find that hard to believe. A person knows when their squeezing another persons arm. Why are you sorry?" They both turned in the direction of the pay phone.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now