Chapter Thirty three ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter thirty three

At present time

Drake felt better knowing that he had a sandwich for later and he still had half of his drink. Upon further inspection he realized the reason the bag was so heavy was because that kid bought him two pops.

That was a welcome surprise. He had walked for about an hour and decided he'd stop for a break. He saw a building not far from where he was. When he got there he leaned up against it and rested his head on the brick wall.

Seems like he just had breakfast. However, he'd been so hungry these last few weeks that when he first got some real food into his system. It made him sick to his stomach. He remembered thinking, "Don't listen to anyone tell you that they were starving they stuffed themselves after they got food. Because that's not what a real starving person does. It makes them sick at first. After their bodies get used to the food. That's when they'll eat more. It's a slow process, a little at a time. Good thing for him though that he hadn't completely gone without food. However, he was close because it still upsets his stomach.

He took out his paper and pencil and decided he'd sketch out a picture of the intruder. If worse came to worse he could send someone in the bar with the drawing. He smiled at his first attempt. Because he knew if his wife could see it she would be rolling on the ground laughing sitting next to him.

He tried it again, this time clearing his mind of everything except his drawing. He managed to do pretty good in his mind. He looked just like the picture that clung to his memory.

He didn't exactly know what he was going to do if he did find him. He knows that no matter what he thinks he's going to do. When the situation really occurs it's going to play out differently than he planned for it to. They usually always seem to work that way.

Right now sitting here admiring the drawing he'd just finished. His first instinct was to hurt the man. However, he would need some answers before that happened. He now took out his map and studied it to find his location.

From what he could tell he was almost there. Probably about two more hours walking and he should reach Oshkosh. Then all he would have to do was find the bar this son of a bitch was supposed to go to.

Drake was so glad when he saw how small the distance was he had to go. He was so tired physically and mentally. He later would have to deal with his emotional state. He didn't know where he would find the strength for that. He would have to manage somehow.

After a few more minutes of resting he decided it would be best just to get up and go. The sooner he got moving the sooner he'd end this whole thing. One way or another one of them were going to pay for this situation.

He got up made sure he had all of his belongings and trudged on down the road. He thought back to his journey so far. He felt pretty good about it. Aside from the soreness and the uncomfortableness of the exposure from not being in the woods anymore. He's been very lucky. He hasn't ran into a lot of trouble aside from that one run in with the cop. Still he came out pretty clean. Something had to give. He's been known from time to time to have his spurts of luck. However, this was all just to lucky for him. He must tread lightly on this last stretch. You never know what's lurking around the corner.

He decided right this very moment that he was going to be the one to walk into the bar himself. If he didn't find Frank at the bar he had no other leads anyways. He wasn't going to live like this forever. He has no intentions of walking and hiding in the woods the rest of his life. Even if he say, did manage to get away. What was he supposed to do? Start a new life now? He could, he could be someone he's not and find a job under a false name. He couldn't go back to writing unless he made a ghost author's name. Still he knew how expensive writing actually was before you ever even made anything from it. Where would he find the money for a editor?

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now