Chapter Forty one ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter Forty one ©

At present time

As he walked it took him a few minutes to realize he was clenching his teeth together. When he released them they actually hurt. He didn't know what to expect. He really did not care at the moment as long as he got there. He had been through hell and back. Not only physically, but emotionally and mentally.

He had seen challenges and obstacles he only imagined could happen. Excited he had all of these abilities. However, to use his knowledge this way was never on his list of things to do.

He followed the directions he had been given the best he could. He had to remember that he was still a wanted man. Speaking of being a wanted man he could not help but to wonder what was going on back at home.

Back home in Painlane, they were still working on trying to find out how they got a dead person's fingerprint on the murder weapon.

They had already checked the DNA of all of Drake's family and friends.

Being that the DNA had already been matched to a dead person. They have no other leads. However, finding out how this is possible is the agenda.

Chloroform might be produced by human decomposition. Which was found in the trunk of the car parked in the driveway. Now what the detective is trying to figure out is if the body was brought into the house already dead. Or if the samples in the car are from someone else.

Chloroform also was used as an anesthetic to knock victims out. But it was a product you couldn't just go to the local drugstore and buy. So have been running tests on all of Drake's family and friends computers.

Being that computers check active files first then check unallocated space of the hard drive. When you permanently delete something from your computer, that digital information gets transferred to another space on the hard drive. Where it can be overwritten with new information. The limbo process until it gets overwritten is called "unallocated space". So if all of this occurred within a reasonable amount of time. That information would still be locatable on their computers. Unless they used a computer at a library or a unsuspected person's computer. Although nowadays libraries make you log in with your account. So they have checked under all of the potential suspects there also. Unless someone swiped someone else's library card. It would be under one of their names.

A senior analyst in a trace analysis unit of the FBI crime lab. Checked out a hair found on the suit of A Drake Davenport.

There discoveries on tests of hairs. Have discovered that if it has an unusual dark band at a particular point near the root. They do know that it only occurs when the victim is deceased or decomposing. Although they have failed to discover why this happens.

Good thing for Drake it did not and it matched his own DNA.

DNA tests with today's technology is probably closer to one in a quadrillion. Of finding out which individuals it came from.

Fatty acids and inorganic elements in concentrations consistent with human decomposition. Another by product of decomposition is called adipocere, or "grave wax." Which was found in the trunk of the car.

The body that was found in the house. Was dead close to the time the crime happened. However, that does not mean that it was not transported. It just means that it was still pliable enough to have done what was done. However, if it was indeed transported that quickly. It was doubtful there would be any traces of decomposing. However, it must be remembered that decomposition starts as soon as the body dies.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now