Chapter forty seven©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy © all rights reserved
Chapter forty seven

At present time

Drake's head was still wracked with agony. Not quite as sharp as before. He managed to get at least one eye open once or twice. It wasn't enough to figure out where he was. Although he did know he had started at the bar. He just didn't know if he was still there. Something in his gut told him he was. He could hear soft music floating through the air. He just hadn't seen the source. There was no sign of a piano anywhere.

He remembered a piano though. The food, clothes the dessert. He even remembered what she smelled like. The mixture of the cherry and vanilla. That wasn't actually himself he saw. That was a memory he was viewing.

Click, click, click he could hear walking down the steps. He sat as still as he could. Once again not wanting to alert them that he was awake. He had been trying to get his hands free. He still hasn't managed to. But they were looser then they started out as.

Maybe if he knew who it was. He'd have some insight as to what this was all about. Because right now, it would seem like a random crime. Aside from the fact that this happened after just a small enquiry of that Frank man. This bartender would have no idea who Drake was.

"Does he treat all of Frank's enquirers like this?" He thought.

That alone is making Drake question this whole thing. Although, Frank could have seen the news and advised this guy he might show up.

He shook his head slightly in the hopes of clearing the confusion. Which instead threw a fierce wave of pain through his skull. Drake did everything within his power to not let a scream out.

Click, click, click the steps were getting closer. From behind him he heard a voice say?

"My, my, my what do we have here?"

Drake didn't say anything he just sat still with his chin on his chest.

"Looks to me like you didn't get the message back home. You had to come see what the issue was. Who did this to you. Just couldn't leave well enough alone could you?"

His voice was disguised so Drake wasn't sure if he knew this man or not. Something in his gut told him that he had.

Before Drake knew what was coming there was a "whack" at the back of his head. And that's all he remembers. Until a little while later he woke up to a man's voice.

"Let's see if we can awaken your memories a bit." The voice bellowed out echoing within the chambers of his brain.

There was so much bass in his voice that it seemed to vibrate his braincells.

There were wires and tiny suction cups attached to his head. He was laying on a board or table of sorts. His hands and legs were bound to the table with leather straps.

There was a white screen above his face. Or so he thought there was. What it really was was the back of his eyelids. With a bare lightbulb blaring into his face. He could feel the heat. Hear the buzz and crackle of the bulb.

The light was so bright it was hurting his already screaming brain. He felt like screaming out but he knew that would only make matters worse.

Before he knew what was going on he saw them again. This time it was all of them. In the park, the one they used to go to all the time.

Drake was watching himself and his friends. It was the weirdest feeling he'd ever had.

Sasha and Trista were standing at the tree. The one where they shoot their slingshots at the bullseye. Trista is twirling her hair looking over at Drake and Gray. They were tending to the fire and joking around.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora