chapter 29

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At last! New chapter. Sorry for the wait. My crapy internet was part of the reason, I swear!

BTW, this chapter is dedicated to my very quiet yet real cool friend Wloush. She never comments, I mean like, never! I even told her that I’d dedicate one chapter for her if she did, I was going to buy her LMAO But it never happened.

But that NEVER stop me from loving her.

So, into the story we proceed.


Joanna was in the shower rooms, cleaning.

Well, trying to clean might be more accurate, because Julian kept on distracting her every chance he got.

“We really need to finish this.” She called over her shoulder at Julian who wasn’t doing anything, as always.

“After you tell me how you feel?” Julian said.

Joanna knew what he meant. The day before, she finally finished reading ‘Little Women’ and She’d been fighting nightmares all night long. She hated being weak, and even though she grew to trust Julian so much, she wasn’t ready to lay her weaknesses in front of him so easily. It was hard enough when she told him about her mafia crises.

“There’s nothing to it, really.” She lied without turning to face him.

“Ok, if you say so…” Julian said. He was so annoyed that she wouldn’t open up to him easily. But he wanted her to be at ease with him, he wanted to destroy her walls that kept him from helping her. So he had a new plan, and he started it right then.

“Anna.” He decided to say finally.

Anna?” Joanna turned around to look at him, one brow raised.

“Yeah, you know, short for Jo-anna!” Julian explained.

“Yeah, I kinda got that. No.” she said quickly shaking her head and turned around to finish.

“Why? It’s cute. You know you can call me Lian!” he said and stepped closer to her.

She turned her head to look at him, thinking about it for a moment before she shook her head again, “No way.”

“Why not? It’s cool if you did.” Julian said, circling around to face her.

“It’s cool if Hank said it, or.. or Isaac. For me, it’s… well, it’s just to informal.” She finished the sentence quickly looking away from him.

Was she shy? Oooh, Julian liked that.

“Say it!” he ordered, stepping closer to her. She backed a few steps. “No!” she exclaimed, waving her hand in front of him to make him back off.

“Come on, say it. LI-AN.” He spelled it to her and saw her blush. Damn, she is shy!

“No, Julian, come on. We need to finish this!” she exclaimed and tried to walk around him when he pouted.

Julian grabbed her arm and pushed her gently against the wall.

“Hey!” she exclaimed.

“Li- Aaaaan.” He breathed against her mouth, as if he wanted her to mimic his lips movement. She only looked down at them.

“Come on, Anna, it is not that hard.” He mocked softly and chuckled at her expression. Her lips parted and her eyes widened. She looked so damn vulnerable. It was so new for him to see her like that.

Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now