magnus x reader (future part 1)

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warning this will be a long part about your future (continued with my past story) with Magnus, so I will take quite a bit so yah it maybe over 2,000 words this time without further of due let's get this finally stared
you sat in your cabin, you were 19 years old, Magnus was still your boyfriend, you sat there shocked at what you saw positive, damnit y/n why did this happen to me you thought in your head, you had to tell Magnus soon. You tried to look like nothing was wrong but your older brother Jason knew better "y/n what's wrong" he asked sitting next to you, "n-nothing" you say, "I can tell something is wrong just tell me you can't fool me" he said concern dripping from his voice, you shook your head "does it have to to do with Magnus" Jason asked you. you just nodded "I never excepted that relation ship if that impulsive male broke your heart I swear-" Jason was cut off by you "JASON!" you yelled, he stopped talking "he didn't break up with me, it's nothing bad-at least I don't think" you says being careful with the words you used, "ok then what happened Jason would kill Magnus if he found out he never liked Magnus you thought to yourself, "really-fine I will tell you later I feel as if it's me and Magnus business I should talk to him first" you tell Jason, " ok but-" jason tried to finish "that's all bye!" you say rushing out it was dinner time, you passed Magnus, he was in at your table, they felt bad that he was never claimed so they put him with you. you got your food and sat down next I him "hello" you say, "hi" he said, you frowned. "what's wrong" you asked him, "oh it's noting just-thinking" he said trying to hold back tears, "ok let's see I got something to tell you- and now you got something to tell me, let's finish are food then head to the forest" you say taking the lead like you normally do.
---------time lapse-------
you finished your food but Magnus was still picking on his food, he still wasn't use to big portion of food, plus he seemed down in the dumps more than usual "hurry up Magnus" you complained, after for what seemed like 10 minutes "done!" Magnus said, maybe a little to loud, a few people stared at him, you grabbed his hand and made a dash for the forest, you stopped near a rock "we're we held our first kiss" Magnus said, his eyes wandering around. "ok get talking what's been nothing you" you told him getting straight to the point, "my-my- ugh I just can say" Magnus said getting frustrated, "come on Magnus we been dating for what 3 years now you can trust me" you told him, "it's my- my mother" he said tears demanding to fall, you saw he wanted to cry, but he tried to stay strong to not seem weak in front of you, "go on Magnus-sometime you just need to cry I will be there" you tell him, you rapped your arm around him moving his body closer to yours, tears raced down his face, he put his head on your shoulder and just cried as you just patted him on the back, "Magnus it's ok" you tell him, he sniffles "well-I" he couldn't think straight, he was way to upset, "Magnus I know what it feels like to loose someone, just not as important as my mom-but it must feel terrible-but you still got me to support you-right" you told him, he nodded, he sniffles and whipped his face, after about a minute of silence Magnus spoke up, "so what did you want to tell me y/n" he said damnit I was hoping he forgot you said in your head, you looked at Magnus, the red and puffiness was gone from his eyes, better sooner than later, "look Magnus- I don't know how to tell you this but- I'm-" now even you couldn't talk straight, "go on" he said giving you a smile, but you could tell it was forced, "well- I'm- I'm" you signed "I'm pregnant" you told him straight in the eyes, his eyes glistened with many different emotions, fear, confusion but mostly excitement. he kissed you on the lips "a child!" he said, you nodded, "by all means that great news! I'm going to be a father!" Magnus says exhilaration dripping from his voice, "yes-but I'm only 19- and Jason going to kill you- first off he never liked you-now you got me pregnant-this should be interesting" you told Magnus, he looked at you now more fear fulling his eyes, "Jason..." he mumbled, "why does he hate me so much" Magnus asked you, "honestly I don't know but we have to tell the others" you said, by others you meant your friend, the seven plus nico and Reyna, will, clarrise, grover, conner, travis and Thalia"yah but I don't feel like getting hit with a bolt of lightning from your brother" Magnus told you. "well I make sure that he doesn't" you said smiling, but soon your smile turned to a frown, "are we even ready for a baby- I mean we're not even married, plus were still kinda in our late teens" you told him, "well-I may of never expected a baby yet, but now that we have him/her I'm up for the challenge" Magnus told you, "then I guess so am I" you said smiling, maybe we could take care of a baby, I mean how bad could one baby be, "when are we going to tell the others" Magnus asked, "how about tomorrow at free Rec" you said, "sure thats fine, but we really should be leaving it is dangerous" Magnus said, you guys laced your hands together and walked back to camp, you kissed him goodnight as you walked off you your room, and he walked off to his room
---------time lapse--------
You and Magnus sat on the couch next it Jason, you and Magnus agreed to tell him first out of everyone since he your brother, "so know how I told you I was going to tell you something" you said, he nodded obnoxious to hear what I have to say, eyeing Magnus also, "well I'm-I'm- i'm pregnant- and it's with Magnus child" you told him, he eye converted from wonder to anger real fast, "y/n....I'm so disappointed in you, your not married, heck your only 19!" Jason said disapprovingly, you hung your head a tear threatened to come out, you let one slide, "I just thought you would be happy for me,I mean you would be a uncle,I thought you would support me, that what you promised, this is not the Jason I use to know" you whisper loud enough for Magnus and Jason to hear. "y/n...." Jason said, "save it" you said, the horn rang, Rec, time to tell the others, "come on Magnus" you said, he seemed to get the idea, you wiped the tears off your face and smiled,
--------time lapse----------
you finally got everyone in one place, the Romans were staying here for a while after the incident at camp Jupiter with leo and the Argo 2 were here so it was a good time to say it, "hey guys I have something to tell you, that's why assembled you all here" you said, "yes y/n what's wrong" Thalia one of your best friends said, did I mention she quit the hunt to be with nico, "ok so I guess I just say it-I'm pregnant" you said, you looked at the group of demigods, most smiling, well except for nico but he never smiles but you could see the happiness in his eyes, "y/n that's great- and let me guess Magnus is the father" annabeth charmed in. you nodded, "did you pick out any names yet" hazel asked, "no we haven't thought of that yet we're waiting to see the gender" Magnus said, "well once you find out the gender, you got to tell us" travis said, most of the girls surrounded you, you all were laughing and talking about the baby while the guys stayed out of the baby talk, "so, what gender do you want it to be Magnus" you heard nico asked, "I don't know I'm fine with either" Magnus said, "so how are you going to take care of the child, are you going to get a house or something" piper asked me, "we may stay here for a while" you said, "that's good, well maybe you could build a cabin here for you, maybe Chiron will allow it" clarrise said "hey that's not a bad idea" you said. the horn rang, time for dinner, Magnus walked up to you "so what were you and the guys talking about" you asked "mostly what gender do you want the baby to be and how can I help take care of it and a whole other random things- what about you and the girls" he said, "well were talking about where are we going to live and other things, especially concerns about having a child- but there happy for us" you told him, "but clarrise had a good idea, we could maybe and a special cabin for us to live at here at camp" you said, "yah that's a pretty good idea" Magnus said as we sat down, "so maybe we should think about baby names" you said, "hmm well for a girl what would want" Magnus asked, "maybe bianca,scarlet or Leah" you said, "well I like, Paige, zoë or Lena" Magnus said, " hmm, maybe we could name her something like, bianca Paige chase had a nice ring to it" you said, "yah or maybe, zoë bianca chase" Magnus said, "and for a boy" you said, "I'm quite font of the names luke, James or Charlie" Magnus told you, "well I like, Rico, Micheal or Bennett" you said, "yah and I guess more names on the way" Magnus said eating finishing his food,
--------time lapse-----
you sat down in your cabin together "why are you acting so polite" you said, "what?" Magnus said, "that's not you, your more sarcastic" you said "oh really sorry mrs.perfect" Magnus said sarcastically "that's the Magnus I remember" you told him, he rolled his eyes, "it's weird how you can change the conversation in a matter of seconds" Magnus said, there was a knock on the door. Magnus opened it to see nico, the the way that was Magnus best friend "hey dude, there a fight want to come see it" nico said, "sure dude! I mean-" Magnus looked your way, you nodded, "ok I'm coming" Magnus said, "so am I" you said, both boys looked at you "I'm not sure y/n..." nico said, "yah it can get pretty wild" Magnus said, "mode the reason to come I need a little action,I been doing nothing this past week" you told them, "ok fine you can come but stay out of the trouble" Magnus told you, you just nodded, "dude you gone soft" nico whispered in Magnus ear, but you still heard, "dude shut up,you know why" Magnus whispered, you rolled your eyes "so then Magnus why did you go soft" you said sarcastically "well I mean- it's probably from dating you" me said, "or really-what part of dating me" you said, "the part were in right now, we're your pregnant most likely" he said, " hey it's half your fault I'm pregnant" you said, "ok guys this is getting weird and look were here" nico said, "I be in the front you stay in the back you don't need to be getting hurt" Magnus told you you stayed behind while he boys were in the front, they asked Magnus to fight, you didn't think it was a good idea but you knew he was storing you trained him well. the fight started, is celestial bronze sword which he named χρυσαφένιος meaning golden was in his hand, "GO MAGNUS!" you heard nico yell from the crowd, you walked up to him in the front, "what is Magnus doing!" you ask nico, "he joined the sword fight" nico said, "why!" you say scanning the crowd, "he joins all the time I'm up next, I fight the winner" nico says, "yes but it's dangerous!" you say worried for your immature boyfriend. "talking about dangerous,crap! I'm supposed to make sure you don't come up to the front,they will ask for you to fight, and if Join and get hurt Magnus will kill me!" nico said grabbing you by the wrist and brought you to the back, "just stay here, because I don't need any problems ok" nico said, "please let me go in the front,I want to see How Magnus I doing" you told him, he rolled his eyes, "ok but it's not my fault if you get hurt" he says as you both walk up to the front, the battle was on for a little, people were cheering, "GO MAGNUS" you yelled, you swore you saw him slightly turn his head with wonder of who that was, but focused on his battle, soon Magnus won, he walked up to us with wide eyes, "y/n, nico I told you to make sure she stays in the back!" Magnus said, "dude I tried to stop her" he said, "umm I'm going to go hang out with Jason now so umm, bye" you say zipping off, you walked over to Jason, "y/n, what's wrong" he asked, "nothing hits stupid" you told her, "he put his arm on your shoulder, "seriously y/n what's wrong" Jason said, "it's just-I really don't think I'm ready for a kid and Magnus- umm seems a like he doesn't really-care" you told him, "well maybe you should talk to him tell him what's going on,I'm sure he will understand" Jason said, you nodded, "one more question" you said, "yes y/n" Jason said, "why do you hate Magnus so much" you asked him, he looked at you directly in the eyes, "you really want me to tell you" Jason said, you nodded, "fine it's just, he seems- umm how do I put this-unsupportive, like he doesn't care, now he got you pregnant and what your telling me- I'm not sure how much I accept him being the father of your child" Jason said
--------time lapse--------
"I'm back" Magnus said flipping a dramarca in his hand, "we're you get that" Jason asked, "won it" he said, "Magnus we need to talk come sit down" you told him, "yes y/n...." he said hitting next to you, "I leave you two alone" Jason said getting up and walking away, but you knew he was nearby listening, "so what's wrong y/n" Magnus asked putting his sword on his belt, "well I've been having some-concerns" you say, "a not what" he said looking at his hands "about the baby" you said, he looked at you I'm the eyes, "what...about the baby" he asked slowly, "you seem-umm-not really happy about it" you say, "what...I told you-" Magnus tried, "yes I know what you told me but still,that one time when you heard the news then you didn't give it any mind" you told him, "and I'm worried you don't want the baby" you finished your sentence "y/n....I-I of course I want the child,but I'm just-I don't know" he said know knowing what to say, "also we both don't seem ready for a child, we're not married,were only 19" you said, "what if I'm a bad parent" you asked, "you won't I know that-you be a great parent-and I'm going to try and give that kid the best life it could get, I don't want him/her ending up like me" Magnus said, you grew slightly more confident "plus" Magnus said kissing you, "I know you will never give up" he said deepening the kiss, you kissed back, you swore you heard Jason gag, "I guess your right" you told him, "so are we going to find out the gender" Magnus said, "sure but I think it's a little to early I'm only about 1 week in" you told him, "just one more thing" Magnus said pulling you into a cuddle, "yah" you said muffled into his neck, "no more mistakes until we're married" Magnus told you, "agreed" you said muffled still into his neck, you were cuddling, you loved Magnus no matter how much he looks,thinks or says, he cares, he cares very much about things, you soon fell asleep with you guys cuddling,
that's the first chapter of your guys future do you like it should I keep it going to delete it

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