I'm Going to Post a Story Soon but I Just Have Some More Explaining

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Okay, so very soon (today or tomorrow) I will in fact be posting another chapter.

Now, regardless of that here's what I want to explain:

Now, I am in eight grade. Next year I have going into a science institute (which is above honor classes) for high school which means in freshman year I will be starting to take college courses (and probably Italian because I'll probably be going to Italy for college if I succeed, but that's besides the point) and will not have too much time to write.

I know these classes will be exceptionally more difficult than the classes I take now, so I want to start preparing a bit earlier, I want to succeed, I want to go to veterinarian school and get a good degree.

So my writing make be limited but I'm going to try my very best to stay on top of everything, school, my career path, and you guys.

But as I said, I may be producing a bit less but I am going to have a workload in about six months time.

But like I said, hey, they'll be a part out today or tomorrow.

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