Harassment, This is Serious

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Now, the last post was suppose to be an April Fools joke but I decided that this topic is far more important than some silly joke.

Please, read below.

In school, I have been as multiple legal forms, websites and school officials count as sexual harassment.

This is a highly serious situation, whether it seems harmless or not.

It frankly disgust me that anyone could put their hands on someone else in various places whether it is on the arm or shoulder to your leg or private areas without your consent.

Said person who does this to me has been told to stop numerous times but he just laughs and continues on with touching me and talking to me in ways that make me uncomfortable.

How can somebody just laugh at this situation and be completely disrespectful?

He thinks this is a joke but it is not.

He is a disgusting human being.

Now, I'm not sure about his home life or anything of the sort, but I do know he has the capacity to comprehend that those actions are wrong. But he chooses to ignore it.

If he had mental disabilities that caused him to not be able to comprehend that would be a slight different story.

I don't want to cause trouble with him, that would be childish, nor will I do it back to him (which a parent has told me to do) because then I'd be just as wrong.

What I wanted to tell you in this post is to talk to a parent/guardian or school official if something is happening to you in school or out of school.

Sexual assault/harassment is not something to take lightly and is not a joke. If someone is making you uncomfortable by touching you with out consent or talking to you in ways that make you uncomfortable (or various other things without your consent that involves you), speak up. It will be for the best in the long run.

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