☆1/'You're British?'☆

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Annie's POV-
As I landed at the airport, I text my mum assuring her that everything was OK.
"New place, new start." I said to myself. I took my earphones out that were blasting out ed Sheeran, thinking out loud and put them in the pocket of my navy play suit. I got my ray bans out form my bag and put my hair up into a ponytail which was a struggle to do when people a rushing through the terminal. I sprayed some body spray and turned my iPhone 5s off airplane mode.

The weather was baking me alive as I walked from the airport to find my luggage.  Good job I was wearing gladiator sandals.

"We found love right where we are." I sing to myself watching the suitcases go round and round. I saw my grey one come past and I rushed to get it.

"Thank you." I greeted the taxi driver and walked up to the big building that was my new college. I went inside to the desk and waited for the secretary to come to me.

"How may I assist you?" Her American accent was very strong. I looked at the clock on looked at my piece of paper.
"I'm a little late but on my paper it told me to sign in when I-"
"Name." She interrupted. Hope all the Americans aren't like this.
"Annie Wood. Well, it's Annabelle Wood."
"Thank you. Oh I see you haven't got any accommodation, here is a sheet of rooms that are up for rent around the area." She gave me two sheets and I put them in my satchel.
"Enjoy Los Angeles!" She said happily. I went outside and found a Starbucks on the corner of the college. This is going to come in great use.

I glanced through the lists and they were all so expensive. I couldn't spend anything like these prices. I sipped my latte as I flicked the next page.
"No,no,no,no,wait." I thought in my head.
The advert read-
'Looking for a roommate, only 5 minutes from restaurants and 10 minutes walk from college. Contact this number if interested.'
I dialled the number and it went through to voicemail. I text saying that I was interested and said to contact me soon. It was getting late and still no answer. I had to find a place soon.

I was about to dial another number when the first one replied.
'Come along now if you want, follow the address on the sheet." Wow, a very welcoming text. I looked at the paper and typed it into Google. Technology these days. I found the directions and followed them.

LA is so beautiful and peaceful at night. It is when your not dragging a massive suitcase which sounds like ten cars driving down the street. Yellow cabs would occasionally pass everywhere I looked there was a Starbucks. Literally everywhere.

The block of flats were in front of me, I checked the sheet. 'Room 4, 2nd floor.'

I was at the last step and my arms were very tired from dragging my luggage up two flights of stairs. I looked at the cream walls while going down the corridor.
"1,2,3 and 4." I stopped and knocked on the door.

I was stood there thinking about Britain. Leaving my family was a big step. All my friends I've left probably won't talk to me and Jack. Jack. The name that never left my mind. He was-

"Are you ok?" I looked up at the boy standing there looking more bored than I was in Starbucks. His lip piercing was the first things that I saw. Next thing was his messy hair that looked like he hadn't brushed for a week. His brown eyes looking at me like I was crazy. Oh yeah I still haven't spoke.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm here about the flat?" I stood there with all my bags and my hands behind my back hoping I will find a place by tonight.
"Wait, you're British?"

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now