☆33/'But He's Your Roomate.'☆

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Annie's POV-
I called up my friend, Avery, to update her and catch up with her. Me and Avery had lost contact for a while and when I found her again, I got the letter saying I got accepted to the college here. Avery was one of the main reasons I got through the stuff with Jack.

"Oh my gosh, Annie is this really you?!?" Avery asked.
"Yes, I'm so sorry I haven't called."
"It's fine, I was just so shocked to hear your voice. How are you?"
"I'm good, how are you? How is your job going?"
"I'm fine, my job is boring but what can you expect from sitting behind a desk for 7 hours a day." I laughed.

Avery was 2 years older than me, so she completed college a couple of years ago.

"Any gossip or anything? Haven't you had an American boyfriend yet?"
"I'm actually dating someone right now."
"Ooh tell me the details."
"Well, he is 20 and he is my one of my professors at college."
"Hold on a minute, your dating your teacher?"
"Is there a problem?" Avery had always been quick to jump to conclusions.
"No I just never thought you would have it in you to date an older guy, you're so innocent but behind the scenes, your sleeping with your teacher."
"I'm not sleeping with him."

We had been on the phone for an hour and we had just got off the subject of Liam.

"So what colour hair have you got now?" I joked.

Avery dyed her hair all the time. Avery looked like Halsey and she has had every colour that Halsey has had her hair.

"It's black at the moment but I'm thinking of going green again."
"I liked green hair on you, it suited you a lot."
"Thanks." She giggled at the compliment.

"So, I saw your snapchat and your Instagram posts, how is living with an Internet sensation? And let's not forget, hottest guy of the year."
"Luke isn't as good as he seems, he can be annoying at times."
"It wouldn't bother me, he is the best looking guy I have seen for a while."
"If you trying to convince me to go out with him, give up now. I'm dating Liam."
"But don't tell me you haven't thought about him. I can picture him now, shirtless lying on the bed." I could imagine Avery now with a 'flirty' look on her face, daydreaming about the things her and Luke could do.
"Can we change the subject?" I felt so embarrassed talking about him, I'm so glad he was out at work.
"But he's your roommate. Don't tell me you haven't thought about sneaking into his room at night."
"Too far Avery." I shouted down the phone.

"Has he texted you?"
"He has finally left you alone then?" I'm such a liar, I'm going to hell.
"Yeah thankfully."

"I've got to go now, but we will catch up soon. I love youuuuuuu." Avery held on the 'u'.
"I love you too, don't get into trouble."
"See you soon babe."
"Goodbye Ave."

Here is Wednesday's filler!!! Can I just say, I would love to be friends with Avery, I've made her out to be such a fun 'typical girl' character. The person who plays her is 'Halsey' as that's who I pictured her from at the start. I'm uploading this at school on the lunch table listening to how fantastic my friends life is yay me.

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now