☆37/'I Have Always Wanted You.'☆

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Annie's POV-
I opened my eyes to the sun glaring through the window. I rubbed my eyes and picked up my phone.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Annabelle, happy birthday to youuuuuuu." Luke sung as he walked through the door with a tray.

I grinned as he put the plate on the bed, on the plate was pancakes will whipped cream and fruit. I moved my phone and looked up at Luke who looked proud of his creation.

"You didn't have to do this."
"I did, I wanted to cheer you up and your 18, that's a big age."
"I guess, thank you." I smiled.
"No problem, I also got you a present."
"Luke, you didn't ha-" before I finished my sentence, he handed me a box. When I opened it, my face lit up. I saw a beautiful ring with a topaz gemstone on it.

"Luke, it's gorgeous, how did you know I wanted a pandora ring?"
"I saw your list, I wasn't sure if you wanted that one."
"I love it." I took it out the box and put it on my finger.
"It fits perfectly." I kept looking at the ring which glistened on my finger.

I finished eating my breakfast, after I took a photo of it. I also answered a lot of phone call and texts.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my makeup. I did my normal makeup routine but this time I used some sparkly gold eye shadow and I chose a red lip. I looked through my wardrobe and chose out a white lacy crop top with a black skater skirt.

I curled the ends of my hair and put my hair up into a ponytail.

I walked out of my room and into the living room/kitchen and saw two massive pink balloons which showed my age. There was banners pinned up saying 'happy birthday'. Also, there was a massive badge on the table and a vanilla buttercream cake.

"Luke, you gone to so much trouble for me." He looked up from his laptop.
"I'm glad you like it." He smirked. I walked over to him and hugged him from behind. He put his hand on my arm.
"Thank you so much." I ruffled his hair as I walked off to grab a banana for breakfast.

I had nothing planned for 5 hours as Luke was at work till 3. After Luke left, I replied to some more happy birthday messages. 

"Happy birthday babe, I'll see you soon;)" - unknown number.

Well we all know who this is from.

Luke's POV-
The time was ticking away. The shop was dead quiet. I was tapping my pen on the counter, normally someone yells at me for doing it but today I was by myself as my partner called in sick.

I started thinking about Annie and how happy she looked this morning. When Annie's happy, I'm happy. She's such a positive influence in my life and I love it.

Only 45 minutes to go then I can go back to Annie.

"Have a good day!" I said as I turned over the sign on the door to say 'closed'.  I cleaned up and then hung my apron on the hook. I locked the cash machine and then left the shop.

"I'm back." I shouted as I walked through the door. Annie was sat on the sofa, painting her nails.
"How was work?" She asked.
"Boring, how has your day been so far?"
"I've done a few things I wanted to do, I've just finished painting my nails." She got up from the sofa and put the nail polish back in her cosmetic bag.

"I'm going to take a shower, but when I get out, we will decide where we are going out."
"Wait, we're going out?"
"I want to take you somewhere for you birthday."
"You've already done enough for my birthday."
"And I want to do someone other things."

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