☆9/'Yes, I Have Petrol.'☆

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Luke's POV-
Annie and Emma had left just over an hour ago. I told Annie not to go because she's only been in LA for just over two months and she hasn't been out clubbing before.

While Annie was out, I decided to edit the vlog that I filmed earlier.
"Damn, the chargers in Annie's room." I said as I moved everything off of me so I could get up off the sofa.

I walked into Annie's room to be instantly hit by the smell of perfume and candles which you can always smell when Annie passes you.

I rummaged around the pile of cables on the floor until I found my charger. I felt bad about entering Annie's room because she is always denying me entry when I knock on the door unless she's sad and then she allows me in.

I look at the photo frames on the wall of her and her family and she looked gorgeous in all of them. Luke, you can't say that, you live with her.

After editing my video I checked the time and it was 11:30pm and Annie still hadn't come home. I tidied up where I had been working and then made myself a cup of tea. I made the thumbnail for the video and then my phone started to ring.

"Calm down, speak slowly." I whispered calmly down the phone to Annie.
"I've told you, can you come and pick me up, I'm scared Luke."
"I'll come now, are you still by the Hollywoods?"
"Yes, have you got petrol this time?"
"Yes, I have petrol."

Annie's POV-
I sat on the brick wall trying not to draw attention to me. I should've listened to Luke. I shouldn't have acted the way I should. I was so close to getting into the same situation I was in with Jack.

"Get in the car then." He smiled. That smile could brighten everyone's day not even kidding.
"Thanks." I got in the car and sat down.
"There is some blankets in the back, you look cold." I grabbed the blankets and draped them over me.

"So what happened?"
I stayed silent.
"Are you ok?"
"If you think that I should be happy that a guy nearly took things way too far with me then yes, I am fine."
"Annie, how did you get into such a mess."
"I'll explain it when we get home."

We walked into the living room and I lay down on the sofa. I hadn't drunk that much so I wasn't passed out.
"So, are you going to tell me that you told me so?" I asked.
"Nope, just tell me what happened."

"We got to the club and then me and Emma stuck together then after an hour, she was going to some mans house and then she left me. I decided to go and dance and then this man showed interest so we danced with each other. He kept putting his hands in places that I didn't want to be touched and when I told him I was going, he followed me out the club and then he wouldn't leave me alone. In the end he walked away but he told me that he would get me soon."

By the end of the story I was in tears and I'm pretty sure my makeup was running down my face quicker than you can say that whole story.

Luke sat on my sofa and wrapped his muscular arms around me.
"It's fine, your safe now." He comforted me.

"I'm going to bed now." Luke announced.
"What? Now? But what about if he comes back?"
"You'll be fine, come and sleep with me if you want." I nodded as he walked into his room.

I got into my nightwear which was an old top and some sweatpants and went into Luke's room.

He lifted up his arm and signalled to join him. I got under the covers and was hit with a sudden warmth.

He turned in his side and faced me and smiled. It kills me every time.
"Get some sleep, OK?"
I nodded as he wrapped his arm around me.
"Goodnight Luke."
"Night Annabelle." I cringed at my name but didn't call him up because I couldn't care.

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now