☆40/'He Did What?'☆

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Luke's POV (Continued) -
I was already angry at him in my head. He killed Annie's dad and Annie said that it didn't stop there. Annie was broken, Annie has been so strong and I didn't even know it.

"A couple of months after, things were getting back to normal. I hadn't heard anything from Jack and I had found a new friend group. My mum had found my step dad who has treated her right ever since they got married."

"It was around summertime and me and my friends went to a park to sunbathe. We had a great time and then I decided that I wanted to get some ice cream. Me and my friend got our money and walked to the shop which was about 10 minutes away from the beach."

"On the way back from the shop, my phone started to ring, it was my mum so I told my friend to go back to the park while I took the phone call as I didn't want to make the ice creams melt and I knew mum would be on the phone for a while. She carried on and then I stood against a wall while I took the call."

By this point we were both lay down on my bed, she was on one side and I was on the other. We were facing towards each other, our hands were interlocked and Annie stared at them as she talked. It was past midnight now and Annie still was freaked out by before.

"I ended the call with mum and realised that I was on the phone for 30 minutes. I started to walk back to my friends and then I tried to text them, but I realised that I had no signal. I walked down an alleyway and finally got signal, it was weak but it was enough to text my friend."

"That's one of the biggest things I regret." Annie admitted as she looked up at me with her red eyes which made my heart break.
"What is?" I asked.
"Walking down that alley, how stupid could I have been."

She sighed. I brought her hand up to my face as I planted a kiss on her hand, she smiled and then rubbed her finger over the part where I kissed it.

"I was about to walk out the alleyway when I felt a large, strong hand grab my wrist and pull me back. It was Jack and he looked mad."

"He started yelling at me about all the drama I have caused him, about his family and the people who have turned their back on him. He then pushed me into the wall and then he closed the gap between us. His hand started to travel up my dress and made me get goosebumps because I hated his touch. That's another thing I lied to you about, I don't get goosebumps because of someone touching me, I get goosebumps when a man touches me because it brings back memories."

"Why haven't you got goosebumps now or this morning on the sofa?"
"Because I trust you, over the last 6 or so months, since we have moved in together, I have noticed that you have done so much for me and that I can trust you with anything. At the start, I got goosebumps when you touched me in the car but now I don't because your a good man Luke. I don't want you to carry this burden with you because it's not your fault that I might hold back from things or take it slow, it's jacks fault."
"It's not a burden to me, getting the most beautiful, kind and respectful girl isn't a burden." Her lips showed a smile as she moved closer to me.
"Thank you for saying that, it means a lot." I nodded.
"No problem, it's the truth."

Annie decided that she wanted to carry on the story even though she had already told me enough.

"I told him to stop but he didn't listen. His hands were in places I didn't want them to be. Since it was summer, I was only wearing a short dress with my bikini on. I don't really want to go in on what happened after that but let's just say that he didn't râpe me, but he touched me without consent."

"He did what?" I stuttered. She burst out into tears as I pulled her in to my arms. She sobbed into my t shirt. Tears began to start in my eyes because seeing Annie so hurt made me feel useless. That's why she was shook up after her and Emma went out and that man nearly touched her in the club.

"And that's when I moved out to here, a new beginning I thought. All them times I got a text or I went pale, they were all texts from him. The first night, that was because he text me, in England, that was because he text me and he has been texting me ever since I got here. I'm sorry I lied to you. But that's the end of the story I guess, well until he starts to work with you."

"Oh Annie, stop apologising, it's not your fault and I'm not going to let him work with me, I'll quit for you don't worry." She was still buried in my chest.
"Don't quit for me Luke, you love that job, don't quit."
"But I don't want him hurting you or even seeing you."
"Luke if you quit, I won't talk to you ever again, don't let my past control your future."
"Okay, but if anything happens, I'm going to leave the job."

"If it makes you feel better, my dad left me and my brothers when we were young, I know it's not the same but I just wanted to tell you that I know what it's like when your dad isn't around."

We lay in the same position for another hour. We talked about everything and everyone. This is when I knew that Annie was special to me. We were both comfortable opening up to each other about our secrets. It felt great that Annie could trust me.

"I think we should go to bed now." I whispered as Annie yawned.
"Annie, stay with me tonight."
"Can I?"
"Of course you can, your welcome anytime you know."

We both got up. Annie was already in her night clothes, so she just got under the covers. I took off my shirt and trousers and then put on some sweatpants.
"Do you mind?" I asked gesturing to my bare chest."
"No." She answered.

I got into bed and the coldness of Annie's skin hit me. She was very fragile and broken inside and I knew that because of the way she acted today.

She turned to face me and then placed her lips on mine. Her kiss was slow and gentle but it meant a lot.
"Thank you for listening to me, it means the world to me that you know now." I rested my hand on her waist as she talked.

I pushed her hair behind her ear as I caressed her cheeks before I kissed her.
"Thanks for telling me, I now know that you are one of the strongest women I know and I am so proud of you for everything." Her eyes began to slowly close and open again in a battle to stay awake.
"Come on babe, lets go to sleep." She rolled over onto her side and she let my arm pull her closer to me, she put her hand on my hand and she put her legs in between and over mine.
"Thanks for letting me stay in here, goodnight Luke." She slowly and quietly said.
"Goodnight Annie." I kissed the top of her head before I let my tiredness take over my body.

Now you finally know who Jack is and what he has done!! I really hope you like this as I have been planning this since the start of the book as Jack has been a big character but you didn't know anything about him. I hope you see all the hints I dropped through out the book! Thanks for reading and please comment your thoughts.


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