☆10/'But She's Your Roommate.'☆

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Annie's POV-
I woke up with a heavy weight around me. Then I smelt the same smell of aftershave that I smell every time Luke wraps his arm around me to tickle me. Luke grunted as I moved to get my phone from the nightstand.
"Morning." I whispered. Luke's eyes slowly opened as they readjusted to the light.
"What time is it?" He said. His arm was still resting on my waist but I didn't mind.
"7am, we have college in an hour."

"Are you ok after last night? Are you sure you want to go?"
"I'm fine." I said getting up. He rolled over to where I was lay and wrapped himself up again in the duvet.
"Well if you need me, just text and I'll be there."
I grinned as I pulled up my sweatpants which I didn't look attractive in.
I walked out the door and then went back into his room.
"Thanks for last night, you didn't have to do all of that."
"Anytime, you are my roommate, we are friends. Well I hope you see me as a friend."
"Of course I do."

I got Into the shower and let the cold water run down my body as I massage my tutti fruti shampoo into my hair. I turn off the shower and wrap my towel around my body as I leave the bathroom.
"I'm out the shower." I yelled to Luke.

I put on my black skater skirt with my black and white stripey t shirt. I curled my hair and did minimal makeup.

"Have you seen the new professor?" Emma said as we walked down the corridor. Luke gave me a lift to school so I told Emma to meet me by the blossom tree.
"No, what's his name?"
"Professor Daniels but I think his first name is Liam. His not much older then us so we are in for a chance." She winked as we walked into the room.

It was half way through the day and I haven't seen Luke or Emma all day. I was walking down the hall when I saw Luke walking my way.
"Have you seen Luke?" Oh, it's Jai.
"Not all day, he gave me a ride to school but I haven't seen him since, why?"
"Because mum wanted him to come to dinner tonight but I forgot to text him earlier."

Luke's POV-
"Thank sir." I said as I walked out of my last lesson. I only had 3 lessons today so I was finishing at lunch.
"There he is." I heard as I turned around to see Annie and Jai.
"What's the matter Annabelle?" I asked.
"Your mum has invited you to dinner tonight and Jai said I could come." Mum hadn't invited me over for dinner since I moved out so she will be dying to know what I've been doing.
"Cool, I'm at the apartment all day. Me and Annie will come at 6:30."
"Great bye." Jai said as he turned around.

"Has anyone been harassing you today?"
"Nope." We walked for a bit then she had to get to class. As she left, I noticed how beautiful she actually was. But she's your roommate Luke. I know but why shouldn't I admire her?

When I got home, I set up my laptop and caught up on my social media and stuff like that. I noticed Annie had never told me that she had any social media so I searched her name in every website I was on. I found her on Facebook and Twitter and they both had embarrassing photos that I would be able to use on her.

I was still stalking her when she come back from college, I quickly shut down every tab and picked up my phone.
"Hey Annie." I said as she put her satchel down on the floor.
"Hey, what do you think I should wear to your mums tonight? Is she expecting everyone to dress up?"
"No, just look pretty, like you always do." I was so cheesy. She blushed as she walked and pinned something on the fridge.
"Thanks." Then she stepped out the room to get ready for the dinner tonight.

Sorry for a boring chapter:( please remember to check the cast list that I uploaded at the start so you can refresh your memory on characters like Emma and professor Daniels who will have a massive role in the story:)

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now