☆35/'Are You Being Serious?'☆

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Annie's POV-
I came home to an empty apartment. I immediately opened the fridge and tried to find something for tea.

I put down all of my sheets and folders I got from college down on the kitchen surface.

I made myself some spaghetti Bolognese and as soon as I sat down to eat, Luke came through the door.

"How was your trip?" I asked twiddling my fork in the spaghetti.
"Good." He answered abruptly. He has one bag in his hand that he put in his room.

He walked back out with his eyes on his phone.

"What did you buy?"
"Well you must of brought something otherwise that bag that you had was useless."
"What's with all the questions?" He fired.
"What's with all the sudden responses?"
"I haven't done anything."
"And you haven't really said anything either."
"Don't worry about it, I'm just doing what I'm told."
"What are talking about?" I put down my plate on the coffee table and got up.

"Your boyfriend, that's what I'm talking about." He was standing opposite me like we were having a standoff.
"You're confusing me."
"Did you put him up to this?" He was yelling so much I zoned out.
"Annie answer me."
"I don't know what your talking about."
"Your perfect boyfriend asked me to 'back off'." He did finger quotations in the air at the back off bit.
"He wouldn't do that, he knows your like a brother to me."

I mentioned but after I said that I remembered all the questions he would ask about Luke.

"He told me to back off you and to stop being jealous, I don't want to interfere so I'm staying out of this."
"Are you being serious? He is just worried about me."
"Trust me Annie, I don't think his worried about you, he just wants me out of his way because he knows I could date you any day of the week."
"Why are you taking his actions out on me?"
"I'm not, well i am. I'm sorry Annie he just gets me annoyed." He started to quieten down after he finished. His breathing was heavy.
"I'm going to speak to him." I picked up my phone and started to walk but then Luke pulled me back.
"Your not going alone."
"Yes I am." I tried to pull out of his grip but his was too strong. He pulled me in and the sudden scent of aftershave invaded my nose.
"Your not going alone, I'm getting the car keys." He whispered in my ear.

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now