☆52/'Late Night Date.'☆

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Luke's POV-
It has been 2 weeks since we got back from England, I had finished for the Christmas break.

Christmas was in 2 weeks and me and Annie decided we were going to have a date night.

We were sat at the back of a park, eating popcorn that we had left over at the cinema.

"So, why did you bring me here again? On our late night date." Annie asked laughing as she through popcorn into her mouth.
"Because this is where I go wherever I walk out."
"Oh great." I chuckled.
"I didn't mean it like that, I'm just saying, it's peaceful."
"I like it, it's a bit scary at night though." I wrapped my arm around her.
"I'm here to save you."
"Wow, I feel safe." She joked.

I put my hand in the popcorn and grabbed a handful and through them at her.

"Hey!" She picked one up and through it back at me.
"Let's get out of here before we get kidnapped." I said as I pulled her off the bench, running after it.

We laughed all the way until Annie fell over and then we laughed more.

She was lay on the floor, laughing while I was trying not to fall on the floor.

"Pick me up lukeeeee." She screamed as I picked her up, bridal style.

We got to the car and I put Annie in her chair.

"Where is the popcorn?"
"I think I dropped it." She giggled as she put her hand on her head.
"I'm so tired that I'm going delirious."
"I can tell."

We got back to the apartment and she collapsed on the sofa.
"I'm too tired to sleep."
"Let's go to bed anyway." We both got up, I got 2 glasses of water and took them to bed.

I got into bed and Annie rested her head on my chest.

"We've had a hectic couple of months haven't we?" I muttered as I played with her hair.
"Yeah, I'm glad we had a good time tonight though, we should do it more often." I nodded.
"Agreed, you better get some sleep though."
"Goodnight Luke." She rolled over and soon fell asleep as I stayed awake looking at the ceiling.

I'm in love with Annie. And I mean deeply in love with Annie.

Filler!!! I'm so sorry!


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