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Luke's POV-
I was woken up by my phone ringing. Who would ring me at 8:00 in the morning? I rubbed my eyes as I reached for the bright light that was lighting up the room.

"Hello?" I said.
"What's the matter Luke?" I would recognise that voice anywhere. It's Emma, Annie's friend. Annie thinks she has an obsession with me, she always comes round the house when we aren't at college and just hangs around me.

"How did you get my number?"
"I asked Jai for it, well i need a tutor and I got told that you would do it."
"Who told you that?"
"Jai." Of course he did.
"What subject?"
"Maths. So can you do it?"
"Yeah, you can come round later if you want." I can't believe I just agreed to tutor Emma. We finished off the phone call and she told me that she would pay me. Well, that's a bonus.

I fell back asleep until 10:00 when Annie started to knock on my door.
"Come in." I shouted.
"Sorry if I woke you, I was just wondering if you were going to have a shower soon, I need one but I didn't know if you needed one too."

"I always smell nice and clean so I don't need one unlike you." I said. She picked up the nearest thing, which was a teddy with a janoskian t shirt on and threw it at me.
"I'm joking, you can have one first."
"Thanks, by the way what are you doing today?"

"I'm tutoring Emma." Annie's face was the same reaction that I had.
"Your tutoring Emma?!?" I nodded.
"Good luck, she's a crazed fan." She laughed.
"Go and take a shower Annabelle."

By lunchtime, Emma was already here with no maths books.
"So, what do you expect us to do? You haven't got any books."
"Can you do it without books? I'll just use yours, you can just photocopy the sheet for you and I'll use this one."
She took the sheet and started to work on it.
"I can't use it now, you've wrote on it."
"Photocopy Annie's."

Annie's POV-
"Oh, hey guys! Getting cosy in here." I joked. Emma was sat so close to Luke, Luke was losing space to breath.
"Luke's helping me with maths, aren't you Luke?" Luke nodded uncomfortably.
"Don't let me interrupt you, I'll go to my room."
"No, stay here with us." Luke demanded.
"Em, can I have a word with Luke?"
"As long if your not gone to long."

Luke got up and walked over.
"What will you do for me if I stay?"
"Anything, name it. She's killing me."
"I haven't decided yet, but I'll think of something."
I started to go towards the sofa then I felt a strong arm around my waist pulling me back.
"Thanks for staying." I just grinned as we went back to 'love land'.

"Bye." Luke said as he shut the door and leant against the door.
"Why did I agree to this?"
"I find it cute that you have a girlfriend. Is she your girlfriend?

Wow, this is definitely under 'worse ways to find out if your crush is single.'
I literally just admitted I had a crush on Luke. I can't have a crush on him, I live with him. Well, it's only a tiny crush.

"No, I don't like her in that way."
"But you like her?"
"Not in that way, I like someone else." Them words. They were the words that I thought about all night, until I went to bed.

"Goodnight Luke."
"Are you ok? You've been on a different planet all night."
"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about things."
"Are you sure? I always see them things on Twitter which are like 'fine doesn't mean fine'."
"Yeah, I'm good, when is that interview for that cafe?"
"Next Monday." This gives me a free night so I can have some me time.
"Ok, well I better go to bed. Night."
"Night Annabelle."

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now