☆28/'Immature Little Girl.'☆

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Luke's POV-
I woke up with a girl next to me. Our clothes were all over the floor and I couldn't even remember her name. When we got back last night we drank like crazy.

Our legs were tangled together and her arms were around me.
I tried to move slowly but her eyes started to flutter open.
"Where am I?" She opened her eyes and looked around.
"Last night, you came back to my place, I'm Luke."
"I'm Hanna, and I can't remember anything from last night."
"Well, I'm sure you can gather what happened, a clue is all your clothes over my floor."
"Yeah, but you seem really nice, so thanks for bringing me back, if I didn't sleep with you, I would've got lost."
"No problem, how about I make breakfast and we can get to know each other?" He agreed.
"But can I call my friend first, she's has been texting me all night."

I got up and put on some sweatpants and went into the kitchen. Last night, shouldn't have happened. I took advantage of a girl when she was drunk just because I was mad that Annie isn't interested in me.

I walked into the kitchen and Annie was perched on a stool by the breakfast bar.
"Good morning." She grinned as she carried on scooping up the fruit loops.
"Why are you so happy?"
"Just because you have a bad hangover doesn't mean you can be crabby."
"What time did you get back last night?"
"Liam dropped me off quite late actually. I didn't see you after I left though." I opened the fridge and browsed through the food.
"Oh, me and Liam are dating now aswell." I froze still and turned around.
"Your dating?"
"Yep." She popped the p. I was about to shout until Hanna came through the door.

"Hi." She was wearing my t shirt.
"You must be Luke's roommate. I'm Hanna." She held her hand out for Annie to shake. Annie responded and shook her hand.

"Hanna, do you want to go out for breakfast? There's nothing here."
"I actually came out here to tell you that my friends coming to get me now. So I'll grab my stuff and leave you two in peace. But I had quite an experience last night so I thought we could maybe meet up again?" We exchanged numbers and she went and got her stuff.

"We will talk later." Annie mumbled.

"I'll see you soon." Hanna said as she kissed me.
"You too babe." She closed the door and Annie immediately got up to put her bowl in the sink.

"Someone's in a mood." I muttered.
"How dare you say that I'm stupid for dating my teacher." She yelled.
"It's because you are! Dating your teacher is possibly the worst decision you've ever made."
"I really like Liam, you don't know how we feel about each other."

Annie pointed her finger.

"You're not in love with the guy, your nothing but an immature little girl."
"I'm the immature one? I'm not the one who took advantage of a stranger just because they were jealous of their roommates love life."
"I'm not jealous, I was looking out for you and you yelled at me. Hanna is a nice girl and at least she is my age."
"Oh so you actually talked last night? You actually got to know each other? Wait was that before or after you used Hanna? I doubt you even told her your name. Your the immature one because you can't handle the fact that I'm dating someone and your not."
"At least I can receive a text from someone without going pale and feeling sick. No wonder Liam is your only love interest, you've probably ignored everyone else's texts."

I put my head in my hands. Tears started to form in Annie's eyes.

"You know what, forget it Luke, talk to me when you've matured."

And after that, Annie ran out of the room.

Hey I'm sorry for that fight scene but OMG IT WAS DRAMATIC! So I've added this note on to inform you all about my schedule and my plans for this book.

So I've just planned out all my chapters up to the big chapter and when I mean big, I mean a lot of stuff is going to happen so prepare yourselves. I'm going to upload that chapter on April 27th 2016 as that is my one year wattpad anniversary and I wanted to do something 'explosive' for it. So here is my schedule up until that date-

Hopefully, each week you will get a full chapter and a filler (some weeks will vary) :

Saturday, March 19th (today) - A full chapter
Saturday, March 26th - A full chapter
Wednesday, March 30th - A filler
Saturday, April 2nd - A full chapter
Wednesday, April 6th - A filler
Saturday, April 9th - A full chapter
Wednesday, April 13th - A filler
Saturday, April 16th - A full chapter
Wednesday, April 19th - A filler
Saturday, April 23rd - A filler
Wednesday, April 27th - A really long chapter because it's my one year anniversary!

This might change I'm not sure yet but GET EXCITED!

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now