☆42/'You Look Happy.'☆

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Luke's POV-
I woke up to a playlist of Christmas songs. I forgot it was December 1st today.

Annie had obviously got out of bed because the quilt was pulled back. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to see Annie dancing away by the cooker with the spatula in her hand.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She quickly turned around and hugged me.
"You scared me." She laughed.
"I'm making pancakes." She gestured to the pan.
"Pancakes are one of my favourite breakfasts." I smiled.
"Good. I'm happy you like them."
"You look happy." She kissed me and then turned around to flip the pancake. Then she went back to singing to Mariah Carey.

"These were super good Annie." I was washing my plate in the sink.
"Thank you, they were my mums recipe."
"Speaking of moms, I invited mine over today, I can't remember if I told you."
"You didn't tell me, but it's fine. I love your mum."
"She loves you aswell, she really likes you, you know." Annie grinned as she put her cooking apron back on the door.
"I'm going to take a shower, then I will get ready for you mom to arrive."
"Okay, but don't be too long, mom doesn't like to be kept waiting."

All three of us were sat on the sofa talking and catching up as we hadn't seen each other for a while.
"Beau called in to see me earlier in the week, he said that he hasn't seen any of the boys for a while."
"We should invite them all over soon including their girlfriends, beau's girlfriend probably won't come." Mom glared at me.
"She's a nice girl when you get to know her, she's just very busy."
"She must be busy as I haven't seen her for months now."
"How is your boyfriend Annie?" I looked at Annie and saw her face change.

I hadn't told mom about anything that has happened lately. I know I can trust mum but I know that it would make Annie very anxious about another person knowing.

"We're not seeing each other anymore." She responded.
"Oh." Mom sighed.
"I'm so sorry Annie, I didn't know."
"It's fine, it's in the past now, nothing I can do about it."
"That's the way to think about it, love." Mom threw a smile at Annie and Annie grinned back.

Annie's POV-
I just smiled back. Inside I was so embarrassed. I wish I would've told her because now it makes it look like I'm someone who can't keep a man for more than ten seconds.

On the other hand, I'm glad that Luke didn't tell her. It means that I can trust Luke. He knew it would've hurt me if he told his mum.

Luke brought his laptop into the main room and set it up for a live stream. Luke had said on Twitter he was going to do one and his mum really wanted to be on it.

"Woah, that's a lot of people." Gina gasped.
"This is my mom, as you already probably know." Luke kissed his mum on her cheek.
"And this is Annie." He paused. He didn't know how to introduce me.
"My roommate." I felt relived. But then I also felt disappointed. I really want people to know about us but I don't want to risk anything. I was already nervous about doing this live stream.

All of the comments were about me and Luke but we tried to ignore them and reply to questions that weren't based on me.

Luke also revealed that he was creating a special video for Christmas Day and that their merchandise will be half price up until Christmas Eve.

I walked into my bedroom and left Luke and his mum talking to fans.

I started to sort through my school work when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I yelled. I turned around to see Gina in the door way.

"You have a lovely room." She said, admiring my walls and everything on my shelves.
"Thank you, it's pretty plain actually. My room in England was covered in posters and photos."
"I just came in here to apologise again for bringing up your ex, I saw you felt uncomfortable and I really do feel bad."
"Honestly, I'm fine. You didn't know and it was nice of you to remember it, even if I wasn't still in the relationship."
"You're so nice Annie." Gina embraced me into a warm hug.
"I'm so happy Luke has a sensible and trustworthy roommate." I wrapped my arms around her.
"That means a lot, thank you."
"It's my pleasure." She said as she broke away from the hug.
"I really hope Luke finds a girl like you, he deserves it. In fact, you deserve a man that loves you for you, your ex must be crazy to not stay with you." I thanked her again.
"I better get back to the live stream, Luke will be wondering where I am." She left the room leaving her lavender smell lingering.

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें