☆20/'Do I Have To Sit Next To You?'☆

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Annie's POV-
We arrived at the airport and waited for our plane. At the moment we were all sat down, outside our terminal on our phones.

"I can't wait to get on the plane." I said.
"Do your family know your going?" I shook my head making my plaits go in my face.
"I want to surprise them." I yawned as I rubbed my eyes, we had a 4am flight so we had to wait 2 more hours.

"Go to sleep." Luke passed me a blanket.
"I don't have a cushion, it's fine, I'll be fine."
"Use me as a cushion." He patted his legs.
I put the blanket over me as I leant down to his thighs and rested my head on them.
"I'll wake you up 10 minutes before we board the plane." I thanked him as I shut my eyes and he draped his arm over me.

"Annie, wake up. Annie." I opened my eyes to Luke vigorously shaking me.
"I'm awake." I lifted up and collected my items.
"Thanks for the blanket and cushion."
"No problem." 

The women called us to board so beau got out his camera and started to vlog.
"So right now we are boarding the plane, it's 10 to 4 and when I vlog again, we will be in England."
"Aussies coming to England!" Jai shouted.

"I'm in the middle." We looked at our tickets and we figured out the seats. I was in the middle of the twins. Yay.

"Do I have to sit next to you?" Jai yelled drawing attention to our row. I looked at him and motioned to him to shut up. I put my hand luggage in the compartment and put my headphones in.

We were up in the sky for about 30 minutes when I started playing my music.
"I'm going to sleep now, don't cause trouble, don't yell, don't act stupid and don't annoy anyone."
"Your acting like we're not mature." They both smirked at the same time which was kind of creepy.

Luke's POV-
While Annie was asleep on the plane, I edited a video. Then James dared me to hack Annie's phone. I looked to see if she was asleep then unplugged the earphones. I opened it and then spammed her snapchat, Twitter and camera roll with 'attractive' photos of me.

"I did it, ok, I dare beau to vlog Annie asleep and then slap her."
"Challenge accepted, but I'm not going to do it hard." He pulled out his camera and turned it on. Suddenly he turned around and slapped me.
"Luke, stop shouting, what's happened?" I rubbed my face.

"You will be arriving at your destination in approximately 30 minutes." The voice over said.

Currently, Annie was asleep, Jai was editing a video, beau and James were talking to the vlog and skip was listening to music. I was just looking around the plane trying to find something to do.

I cleared some space of my camera to get ready to take photos of England. I also wanted to take some photos outside of the airplane but Annie told me it would probably be raining.

"Fresh, British air." Annie smiled when we stepped off the plane.
"You were right, it is raining." In sync, we all looked up.
"I'm freezing." I got my blanket out of my bag and wrapped it around Annie.
"This will warm you up." She grabbed the corners of the blankets and held on to them.
"Thanks." She grinned.

"Now let's go and have some fun."

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora