☆53/'Tell Them What?'☆

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Annie POV-
"No, it's good, come over whenever you want." I exclaimed to Jai as I hugged him.

I hadn't really seen anyone other than Luke for a while so it made me happy that jai come to visit. The boy hadn't uploaded to the channel for a while either so they all were meeting up soon but I can't go.

"Shut up Luke, he's your brother." Jai swore at him as he sat on the sofa and picked up the television remote.

"You two can bond while I go to target and get some supplies, I'll try and bring back some Christmas decorations too."
"Okay, be safe." Luke said quietly so jai couldn't hear the 'be safe' bit.
I picked up the car keys and put on my shoes before leaving the room.

I arrived at target and spent 15 minutes trying to park the car. I finally found a space and then quickly rushed into target.

I grabbed everything that I needed and then went and looked down the makeup aisle at the Christmas sales. I picked up a new eyeshadow pallet, a dark red lipstick and some mascara.

"Annie!" Someone shouted, I turned around and saw Emma standing there with the biggest grin on her face.

I hadn't seen Emma for ages, we had been distanced for a couple of months, which made me sad because she was my best friend.

"Emma, I haven't seen you for so long."

She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

"Same applies to you, you look pale, unwell, are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Oh sorry that must've sounded rude, it's just that you look tired, empty, are you sure you're alright? You can come back to my place? Get some stuff off your shoulders?"
"We'll have to do it another time, I'm actually in a rush, just come here to pick up essentials and have a look at the Christmas sales you know? I'll text you before Christmas though." She put her hand on my shoulder.
"Yes, I'm free anytime, it's been nice seeing you." I smiled faintly.
"See you soon." We said farewell as I walked back down the aisle.

I paid for everything and got back in the car. I pulled down the mirror that was above my head and looked at myself.

I looked unwell. Sad. Sleepy. My eyes were droopy, my skin was dry and pale.

Keeping everything inside has really affected me and Emma has made me realise that. I had to tell someone, I can't keep these secrets any longer.

Do you ever feel isolated in your brain? Because that's how I feel now. I have so many secrets and things that make me feel negative that I never look happy.

I got back to the apartment block and sat in the car for a while. I got out and picked up the bags and then walked into the apartment complex. I took the elevator and waited to hear the ding as the doors opened.

I walked back to our room and as soon as I opened the door I put down the bags and saw Luke looking inside the fridge.
"Luke, we've got to tell them, it's killing me knowing that we have this secret which is risking our li-"
"Tell them what?"
"Jai, your still here."

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now