☆13/'Coffee Shop Boy.'☆

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Annie's POV-
"How do I look? Am I giving off the image that I look like I deserve the job?"
Luke was standing there in black jeans and a white t shirt, basically what he wore to his mums when we went for dinner. I honestly thought he looked good like that, like really good.

"Yeah you look ok I guess." I lied.
"Don't lie, you know you think I look hot." He said putting a different accent on 'hot'.
"No, you look professional, you'll be fine."
"Thanks Annabelle, your the best." He said as he embraced me in a warm hug which gave me a smell of the aftershave he was wearing.
"Don't call me that." I said as he walked out the door.
"Good luck!" I yelled down the corridor that went towards the elevator.

I went back inside the apartment and got out my nail polishes. This is the first time I've had some me time, so I've decided I'm going to paint my nail and put on a face mask.

I'm going to put on my 'Oh Wonder' cd because their voices relax me and they are literally my favourite people to listen to at the moment.

"Let it go, paint my body gold." I sung while I was applying my raspberry face mask. I looked in the mirror and my face looked ridiculous . I smiled as I blew on my nails.

After 20 minutes I washed off my face mask and my nails were dry. I looked at social media for a bit and then I got a text.

From Jack. This is the 5th message I've gotten from him since I've been gone. The first one freaked me out, and it freaked Luke out. Ever since then I've blocked him number and everything but he always has a new number which he will text me on. I haven't really made a fuss about the other 3 but he has a new number and his still texting me. I haven't told Luke who he is yet because if I do, he might treat me different.

I blocked the number and I felt unsafe. I haven't felt this way since we were together. Just thinking about him made me feel sick. Why should I feel unsafe in my own home? I wish my mum was here right now. I said as the tears rolled down my face.

Luke's POV-
"We would like to offer you the job." The interviewer said.
"Really? Thank you so much." I shook her hand and stood up.
"Yeah, can you start tomorrow?" I nodded.
"Thank you Mr Brooks, you really stood out to me out of all of the other people."
"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow, after college."

I walked out of the shop feeling so happy, I've finally got a job and I could tell Annie that I've got one.

I started getting out my keys as I took the elevator, I'm still not used to living here especially with Annie.

I opened the door and I couldn't see Annie anywhere. I could hear her music playing so she hasn't gone out.

No reply. Where was she? I walked into my room to see if she was there but she wasn't. I knocked on her door.
"Annie? Are you in there?"

The door opened and Annie was there looking happier than usual.
"Hey Luke, did you get it?"
"Oh yeah, I got the job." She jumped up and wrapped her small arms around me.
"Congratulations! I knew you could do it." Something about her didn't seem right.

Don't get me wrong, she is always supportive and stuff but somethings different, maybe it's what happened when she went clubbing. But I can't complain if she can't keep her hands off me.

"We should order some food to celebrate, I'll pay." Annie said.
"Yeah, but I'll pay."
"Nope, this is my congratulations gift to you. Don't try and change my mind, coffee shop boy."

"Don't call me that."
"Hey, didn't I say that earlier when you called me Annabelle?"
"Yeah but I'm calling you, your name."
"If you stop calling me Annabelle, I will never call you coffee shop boy again."
"I'll think about it." I replied with a smug smile.

When the pizza come, we sat on the sofa and talked. My fingers were super greasy by the end of the pizza so I got up and washed my hands, as I got up I saw Annie pick up her phone and check her messages.

Recently she's been on her phone tonnes, I'm addicted to my phone but Annie hardly touched her phone until she had a moment one of the first nights she got here.

"Thanks for paying for the pizza." I thanked. She brought her knees to her chest and rested her head on them.
"It's fine, I'm proud of you for getting it." She smiled.
"Thanks, I'm going to have a shower, you'll be ok turning off all the switches won't you?"
"Yes Luke, I'm not a child."
"Well your not an mature, grown up adult like me." He shouted as he walked out the room.
"That's debatable."

Hey! Sorry for the late update but I wrote a bit more than I usually do:) please keep checking back at the cast list and please comment on parts that you want to comment on, I love reading them! Thanks for over 700 reads!

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