☆18/'More Than A Tutor'☆

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Annie's POV-
I glanced at the clock and realised my tutor session was over. It was 6:00 and I had to be home at 6:15 to help Luke with a project.

"Hey, why don't you stay for another drink?" Liam said. I looked at my cup.
"Yeah, why not." I smiled and walked into his kitchen with my mug.

"So you live here alone?" I asked as I looked around his apartment. I know what your thinking, and yes it could be seen as a little weird to be at your teachers house but we have had a lot of tutor sessions and he invited me over.

"Yeah, it feels really empty still." He said looking at the walls.
"You live with Luke Brooks right?" I nodded.
"His cool when you get to know him."
"Him and his brothers are definitely something, I'm not sure about 'cool'." he said using quotation marks.

"Thanks." I said grasping my coffee.
"I love your accent by the way, it's so....so British."
"Thank you, I think?" We both laughed. We sat on his sofa.

"So what state are you from?"
"I actually come from Washington DC, which isn't a state."
"So why did you come to LA?"
"New start, I had an angry ex girlfriend there and that's all I had."

I wouldn't have guessed that he would be the kind to move because of a girl.

"Oh, I hope it wasn't too messy."
"To be honest, it was. I split up with her and she didn't take it as well as I thought." He sipped a bit of his drink.
"She stalked me and then I had to get a restraining order, but now it's ok."
"Sorry to hear about that."
"It's fine." He smiled.

I closed my laptop and put it in my bag.  I put my bag over my shoulder and went to the door.
"Thanks for the session today, I'll see you at school."
"Yeah, bye Annie."
I looked at my watch and it was 7:20.

Luke's POV-
"Sorry I'm a bit late." Annie said as she walked through the door.
"A bit late?" I questioned. I got up from the sofa and walked towards her.

"I said I was sorry." She said.
"I've been waiting here for over an hour, where were you?"
"I've been at my tutor, Luke calm down."
"I thought we were getting along and stuff, I've dropped a lot of things for you and you couldn't even tell me you were going to be late? I'm starting to think that he is more than a tutor." I yelled. I knew I was over reacting but I have dropped so many things for her when she needed help.

"Luke your scaring me." She admitted.
"Who came and picked you up when you went out clubbing? Me! I did."
"Luke I'm sorry."
"I'm not going to finish the project now." I stepped forward and when I did she flinched and covered her face.

"Annie, what are you doing?" She u covered her face.
"You were going to hit me, weren't you?" My heart sank, did Annie really think I'd hit her because of this?"
"Annie, I would never hurt you, why did you think that?"

"A....a..." She took a breath but then my phone interrupted. I looked at it.
"Take it, I'll go and have a shower." She said as she hurried out the room.
It felt like she was going to tell me something.

I walked up to Annie's door and knocked on it.
"Can I come in." She replied as I opened the door.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't handle it well and I'm really sorry, we can work on it tomorrow, well that's if you still want to help me."
"That's fine." She turned around, her hair was wet and she had a fresh face. I should be disappointed at her right now but all I can think about is how gorgeous she is.

"What were you going to tell me earlier?"
"Nothing, it was nothing." She got her comb and started to comb her hair.
"Are you sure?" She moved her head.
"Just to let your know, even though I've already said this, I would never hurt you, I would never even lay a finger on you. When I'm angry, I'm angry but I would never go to the stage that I would hit you."
"I know, I'm going to try and get some sleep now." She got into her bed.

"Have a good sleep, goodnight Annie."
"Turn the light off when you leave." She turned over as I walked out.

Wow, I've really messed up.

I'm so so sorry for not updating, I'm going to update in the week so don't worry! Please comment and vote and stuff. Also is anyone else loving 'pillow talk' by Zayn Malik???? I know me and wetcth are <3 have a great night:)

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