☆47/'A Lot Of Stuff Has Been Going On.'☆

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Annie's POV-
"You can go in now." The nurse said. Mum had woke up last night but I was too tired to come and visit.

Caleb was at school and it was currently 12:37 pm.

I got up from my chair and walked into the room.

"You didn't have to come all the way here to see me." She exclaimed. I walked over and gave her a big hug. I really miss mum when I'm in LA.

"Of course I do, your my mum, I was worried about you. How's your leg?"
"It hurts but I'll get over it." She smiled as I sat down in the chair by the side of her.
"Did the operation go well?" She nodded.
"Couldn't have gone better." She picked up her glass of water and took a sip.

We talked for a while about the accident and the injury. We also talked about Caleb and how he is doing.

"How have you been then?"
"A lot of stuff has been going on." I admitted. I lent back on the comfy red chair that had arm rests.

Hospitals had always freaked me out. I don't like the smell or the place in general. Ever since I was in here when I was younger for numerous things, I had always had a fear.

"What's been going on? It's not Jack is it?" I sighed. If she wasn't lying in a hospital bed right now, I would've told her everything. But I couldn't put that much stress on her.
"Just some college stuff."
"You are getting your grades aren't you?"
"Yeah, it's just some of my classes got moved and it's just messed with my timetable a bit, nothing to worry about."
"Good to hear, I'm so proud of you. Moving to LA after everything was a big step and you're doing so well in college, you've made me and the family proud."
"Thank you, it means a lot." I said as I wiped the tear from my eye.

"How's Luke? Has he come with you?"
"He's good, he's at the house now, doing some extra college work."
"And how's his girlfriend?" The last time I spoke to mum, I mentioned Emma.
"I think they split up, I don't really know, I keep out of that stuff."
"Best thing to do." She put her hand on mine.

"What about Professor Daniels." I paused. I never told mum about him because teacher - student thing.
"Don't act dumb with me, Caleb text me last night when you got home, he said that you were going out with Liam."
"I never told Caleb."
"You did, in the taxi, remember?"
"Mum I didn't tell him anything."
"Don't lie to me Annie, it's bad enough that your dating your Professor. What are you thinking? Dating your teacher?"
"We're not dating." I started to worry.
"Look." She said as she turned on her phone. I took her phone and looked at the message.
"This is a unknown number, how do you know it's Caleb?"
"It says at the end of the message, see?" I looked at the message.
"But that's not his number, I'm going to block this number okay?"
"Who is it then? Then must know something about you? Is it true? Did you actually sleep with your teacher?"
I handed her the phone back.
"We didn't slept together." I sighed.
"Annie, are you stupid? This could ruin your chance to get a job if they find out you like to date your 'bosses'."
"Your overreacting, I didn't mean to keep it a secret."
"I'm glad you kept it a secret, I don't want anyone thinking my daughter is a-"
"Mum, stop. It's over, it finished ages ago, I'm going back home now, ring me if you need anything and don't read any more messages from that number again." I grabbed my bag and walked out of her room.

"I'm back." I shouted through the door.
"Up here." Luke replied. He walked downstairs ruffling his wet hair.
"I just took a shower."
"No way?" I joked.
"How's your mum?"
"She's okay I guess."
"I guess?"
"Yeah, something happened but it's sorted now."
"Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head.
"No, I think I'm just going to take a shower before Caleb gets back." I said as I ran upstairs.

I know I know, I haven't updated for 2 weeks :( and I'm super sorry, so this week, I'm going to update fillers like maybe every 3 days?!?

Thank you for being so supportive of this book and please keep sharing your thoughts and again, I'm sorry but my updates will become more frequent after tomorrow!


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