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Annie's POV-
This morning was the first time I've woken up in my new flat. Last night wasn't an exciting night, after I had a shower, I went to my room and went on tumblr for an hour. Ok maybe 2 hours. Then I went to sleep.

I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. My face looked like death and my hair was taking 'bed head' to a completely new level. I brushed my teeth and had a wash. Then I went to my wardrobe and picked out an outfit. I  picked out some blue denim shorts and I got a floral tank top to tuck into my shorts. I straightened my hair and sprayed some perfume before walking out into the kitchen.

Luke was already in the lounge on the sofa playing music out loud. Would he be playing it this loud every morning? I walked to the fridge and saw that it was full of food.
"You didn't tell me your mum come around last night?" I said.
"She come late, I went into your room but you were asleep."
I nodded my head and got a banana. I was on a health diet at the moment for the summer. Now we only have 1 week of summer left, I want to carry on for as long as possible.

"So when will I get to meet your mum?"
"It don't know." He replied. He was wearing some black jeans with a white t shirt and he still looked like he hadn't brushed his hair.
"Do you have to play your music that loud?"
"No, but I want to."
"It's a catchy song actually, what is it?"
"It's called la girl. It's by my band." Luke was in a band? I couldn't see Luke being social let alone in a band.
"Who's LA girl?" I teased.
"No one but if you feel sad, you can be la girl." He smirked.

"What's your band called then?"
"Google it."

I googled it to see they were practically YouTube famous and they have had more songs aswell.

"What does it stand for?"

Luke's POV-
"Look online." She sat there on her phone scrolling through pages. She lifted her head back in understanding and looked at me.
"So who are the others?"

"So you have me,Jai,Beau,Skip and James." She looked at me intrigued.

"Me and the boys started a YouTube channel a while ago and one of our videos went viral. Now we have a movie, songs and millions of subscribers."

"Wow." She grinned and carried on looking.
"So what about you then? Anything you have to tell me?" She looked up from her phone and put it down next to her.
"Not really. I have one brother called Caleb and I like to sing a bit but that's mainly it."

I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Yes, I have tea bags in my apartment even though I'm not old, who doesn't love a cup of tea? I looked round and Annabelle to see her eyes glued onto her phone. Her ringer went off and as she read it, the colour drained from her face faster than a flood.

"Do you want a cup of tea, coffee?" I asked. She put her phone in her pocket and and rubbed her eyes. I hope she wasn't crying over something I've done.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm just going to my room." She walked off leaving me in the kitchen making my tea.

I wasn't used to having a girl around me all the time. Well except from my mum. Even though, people see me as a popular person who always has girls swarming around him, I've never actually been around a girl for more than a day. I made her a jug of tea and put some sugar in a pot.

I knocked other door and waited outside. She slowly opened the door and stood there looking at the tray.
"Can I join you?" I asked.

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now